Chapter 12

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Draco got off the tunnel into the common room, inexplicably giddy from the events of the night. He hadn't expected Potter to accompany him all the way up here. Draco could still smell the delicious vanilla of his hair, he couldn't shake off the warmth of being so close to him.

Potter had an invisibility cloak! Draco had always wanted one but his father refused him. No wonder there were times in which Ron would trip unexpectedly in hallways and get hexed seemingly from nowhere.

Draco had a smile on his face as he passed by the fireplace.

"Draco," a familiar voice called him.

Ron was seated by the fireplace. There were no students left as it was late in the night.

"Ron," Draco greeted.

"Where've you been off to?" Ron asked.

"Snape had me do another potion as detention. I got held up," Draco answered.

Ron's eyes swept over him, inspecting him. "You look as though you had fun with this detention.You were smiling."

Draco's heart paced. He sighed, "Look, Ron. I'm tired. I brewed a complicated potion for hours straight." Ron could really be scrutinising whenever he wanted a fight.

"Well, I'm tired too. Snape had us clean the boy's bathroom!" Ron complained.

"Why aren't you in bed then?" Draco asked, he was exhausted.

"I was waiting for you," Ron said. "Why did you take so long?"

"I told you, it was a complicated potion, I had to –"

"Don't think I don't know," Ron cut him off. "You and Potter."

Draco paled and froze. Ron gauged his reaction and he glared. "I heard from Dean that neither you nor Potter left the dungeons."

Draco couldn't bring himself to speak, already racing through thoughts, consequences that will happen.

"You're friends now," Ron said, and at once the chaos and dread stopped.

"What?" Draco asked in disbelief. "Ron we're not. If this is about earlier, it's not what you think. Snape had sat down and you were nowhere to be found. Trust me, sitting with him wasn't enjoyable at the least!"

"Oh yeah? I heard you two talking. Probably conspiring against me."

"You're being delusional, Ron. Why would you even think that?"

"You're lying, I know it! That's why Potter only ever targets me and you rarely! You two sabotaged our potion!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Ron. There's nothing between us."

"Nothing between you two eh? For all I know you get down on your knees for him and suck his–"

"Don't you finish that sentence!" Draco warned him.

Ron sneered. "Aha! You're a pillow biter aren't you? I bet you let him stick his prick up your–"

Draco growled and pulled out his wand. Ron fumbled for his own.

Hexes and jinx flew around, hitting furniture and scorching the walls. Draco was ducked behind a coach, a spell already on his tongue.

"All those times in the Forbidden Forest, no wonder Potter's always so eager to have you!" Ron shouted from a distance.

Draco's grip on his wand was tight and he was ready to jump out and hex him.

"Why are you so quiet, Draco?" Ron taunted him.

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