XXX- The Talk

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Danny POV- 

Dinner with my family was amazing, it was so nice just to be able to sit down with my family and just talk about life,it wasn't over the phone or by emails,just face to face. I miss my family when I am on the road. Emails and calls are exchanged but it is never enough. Growing up we were always a tight knit family, all squashed into this small house. Everyone had different personalities and hobbies, but we all had the same love for music. I always tried to fight it, I refused to learn to read music and tried to go out and play football and be a normal kid,but music always called me back . It wasn't until I got older that I gave in, I remember my dad laughing at me " Son, it's in your blood, don't try and fight it" . If Vick had come into our house when we were all younger, she would of just heard music coming out of every room.

When dad left the band, he never gave up on music. Every Valentines day he would bring home a bunch of twelve roses,eleven red and one white rose in the middle. He would always tell mum she was the white rose, that she always stood out of the crowd and was perfect in every way. I remember late that evening, every Valentines Day, mum and him would sit at the piano when we were all gone to bed and he would play for her as they had a bottle of wine. I could always hear what he was playing, the sound of the notes always floated up into my bedroom and it was one of the most comforting sounds to me. Now when I play the piano, I am always trying to recreate that sound,but it's impossible. No matter how good I get, I will never be able to play like he  did. It's my biggest regret, not sitting down with him and taking the time to learn how to read music. Now, when we write songs, I have to sit down and play by ear and sometimes I get it right and others, it sounds like a drunk man bashing on the keys. 

Sitting at the keyboard, I smile. My dad spent most of his life sitting at one of these.His fingers touched the keys and the most beautiful sound would come out.  " Baby I'm your man" one of my dad's songs was playing in the background. Vicky walked into the living room. " Beatles?" , laughing , I shook my head. " You would think that, wouldn't you. No it's Dad's band" I smiled, getting up and grabbing Vicky by the waist. We slowly started to dance and I began to sing to her " Baby, I'm your man" . Vicky giggled and blushed as I sang into her neck. " Danny, your making me blush here" she cringed. I laughed lightly and spun her around. The track changed to " Softly Softly" one of my favourite songs. You could hear dad singing and it brought back so many memories. Everyone that knew my dad, always said I had his talent and that it was like listening to him when I sang. It was so comforting. Each song was never long enough for me, most of them were two minutes long, not like the songs today. " Your dad was cool" Vicky laughed as we danced around the house. " So cool, do you think our kid will think I am cool?" I asked seriously. Vicky stopped and looked at me. "No, they will think your a freak....with odd socks on!!" she laughed looking at my feet. Following her stare, I looked at the pair of odd socks on my feet, shit. 

We both flopped down on the couch laughing, it was good to be back in Ireland, everything good seemed to happen here . " So what's the plans for today?", Vicky frowned " Mum and Dad are coming over in a bit. We need to tell them our news" she sighed, not looking forward to their visit. Cuddling Vicky, I sighed " You need to sit down and talk with them, about, everything !" . Vick nodded and sighed along with me. Playing with her hair, I knew this was a task she really didn't want to do, but it was about time they all sat down and talked about the past and the future. In a few months, our baby would be here and I didn't want it being brought into a family that there was problems in. Placing my hand on Vicks stomach,  I noticed it had began to grow. " Your bump babe!" I beamed, looking at the tiny belly she now had. " I know, I will be fat soon" she grinned. She didn't care about getting fat, something I loved about her. " Micky D runs at four in the morning soon" I joked . " Yeah god help you with the cravings, I am already getting them" she laughed. Rolling my eyes, I laughed. The truth was, I was looking forward to this all. I had my " So your expecting" book bought, and I already knew what was going on inside her body. Our baby had a heart beat, it's organs would start to form and it would start to take on genes. I was amazed with each chapter and I was fascinated to know about our baby. In the next few weeks, they baby will start to take form, the baby will have eyes,arms and ears. We would be going to get our first scan then. We were meant to go at twelve weeks but Vicky didn't want to. " If it grows, it grows" she stated. 

I took out the baby book from under the coffee table as Vicky showered, her parents would be here soon and I needed something to do, since we said we wouldn't have any more sex. It was frustrating because looking at Vick, all I wanted to do was make love to her. I was just about to reach four months, when the door bell went. Throwing the book on the table, I walked to the door expecting it to be Mark. Since the break up, he has been spending a lot of time here. I thought he would of been with the kids. Swinging open the door, Vicks parents stood facing me. Shock hit me, I quickly smiled and greeted them both, giving Vicks dad a firm handshake. " So, where is she hiding now?" Vicks mam said, looking around for her daughter. " Shower" I stuttered as I closed the door. My eyes caught the baby book sitting on the table, fuck !.  

Before I could even reach the sofa, Vicks mum spotted the book. " Danny!" she asked shocked, looking at the book. My mouth went dry, what am I going to say?. I don't know if Vick wants to tell them now and if I lie and Vick tells them..they will be pissed I lied. " I'm pregnant" Vicky said in a calm voice as she walked into the living room with  a towel wrapped around her hair. Elish exploded into loud screams of joy,just like my mum. Looking at them both, I felt so overwhelmed . This was just so much to take in and I wasn't sure if Vicks dad was going to kick my ass or what. Vicky's dad approached me, his face was motionless. Slowly he extended his hand to shake mine. I slowly exhaled and smiled shaking his. Elish pounced on me giving me a massive hug " I am so happy for you both" she beamed, looking at Vicky at arms length. Vicky sighed and sat down. " Babe would you mind going out for a bit" she whispered. Nodding, I grabbed jacket and headed out the door, leaving Vick to talk, I hope so does. 

Vicky POV - 

I watched my parents like a hawk as they both got comfortable on the couch. It look my dad two seconds to find somewhere he was happy,but my mother on other hands took around ten minutes and complained she was slipping off the couch. " We need to talk" I said in a stern tone, sending my mother ridged straight, I had gotten her attention, finally. Dad looked uncomfortable,he knew exactly what we needed to talk about and it wasn't his favourite subject.

" About what Victoria?" mum asked innocently,but deep down she knew as well. " Why did you guys abandon me? You two weren't parents at all to me!. You both were so consumed in your failure of a marriage ye forgot to even notice that your daughter had gone off the rails" . Dad sighed," Vick, from the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry. Your mother and I should never of gotten married. The only good thing that came out of it was you. Your my little girl and I failed you as a father. It's something Darlin' that I will never forgive myself for. We were both so consumed in fighting and saying that was it, its over, that we never paid attention to you. And we are both sorry" he whispered, wiping the tears from his eyes . Looking at him, my eyes welled up. He was a great dad to me, thought me how to drive and all the things a father should. And I know he loved my mother dearly,still does. But she was the one who drove him away, drove me away and I guess, he shouldn't even be here. Its her I have the problem with. 

Standing up, I hugged dad as tight as possible " I know it wasn't your fault " I whispered in his ear. He simply nodded and sat back down. Mum stayed silent, she knew it was her doing. " Victoria..." she started. " Vicky"  I stated and cut her off. " Vicky" she started again.  " I am sorry as well, your father is right, we never should of gotten married. I was young and foolish. I wanted a big house and the perfect lifestyle and at the time, I thought your father and I would have it all. But when your twenty, unemployed and pregnant,everything gets too much. I thought you would be able to handle yourself. And when you got in trouble,it was just so bad, I couldn't deal with it so I picked something else to focus on. Fighting with your father seemed easier, we had been doing it so long it came first hand to me. I neglected you as a mother and I am so incredibly sorry" she cried, staring at her hands, just like I do. I sighed and looked at her, she was just as messed up as I am. Grabbing her, I pulled her in for a hug. " You both have to stop, you are either divorced or together. And when our baby comes, there will be no fighting. You will see the baby at the same time and be happy around each other. You have seven months to do this. Otherwise, you will never see the baby. I can forget about the past, that's over. But I am not going to have our child surrounded my negative bullshit. I took enough of it as a kid and our child will not and I repeat will not deal with it as well. It's time we start being a family. And I both want you there at our wedding" I left the last piece of news for the end. Mum and Dad both looked up from their ashamed hands in shock, " Wedding? " they both gasped in shock. " I am going to be Mrs O' Donoghue" I smiled. 

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