So Midoriya Want to Join?

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     Izuku Midoriya used to want to be a hero. But he was quirkless. Still, he dreamed and dreamed of it. But... after the sludge villain incident, he finally just...gave up. His once vibrant emerald eyes are dull and listless. But he had two reasons for desiring to be a hero. His top reason was to save people. Protect others. Help them when they need it. Though words, actions, or a simple, you can do it. The other reason was he had met a young Mandalay when he had been attacked a long time ago. She helped him when no one else would, and as time went by, he had developed a pretty bad crush for the Hero.

      It hurt having to give up his dream... but he had to accept reality. A quirkless deku can't help anyone. His days from then on just ran together. But somehow, through the fuzzy haze of endless days of sorrow, a voice rang clear. "SOOOOMEOOONE HEEEEEEELP MYYY AUUUNTIIEEE!" A terrified little boys voice was like a shot. The world returned to normal, and Izuku saw a sight that enraged him. A small boy with a horned hat grunted as he was kicked by his old bullies. Worse, they had a woman beaten against a wall.

      Before he could think, he raced off. Rushing down the alley, he saw a glimmer and picked up a long metal pipe. "Good. Now that the brat is taken care of time we have us our fun. Strip the bitch." Said one and as the four boy's closed in he saw who exactly the woman  was and a fury filled him like never before. He saw a glimmer of recognition in her eye as she tried to get up. When one of the boys with rock fists swung at her. "GET THE HELL OFF THEEEM!!!" He roared as he swung the pipe, smashing the bullies' head with a sickening crack. The three others froze until they saw Izuku standing between them and her.

      "Hahahah, Deku? The fuck's a quirkless freak gonna do to stop us?" Cackled one of the boys as the one Izuku his slowly rose. Izuku headed at them, which unnerved them. "Whatever I have to! You don't have the explosive Pomeranian to hide behind. If you wanna hurt the boy or her again, you will find it much more difficult to do." He said as he tossed down his bag and kicked it back to Shino Sosaki, aka Mandalay. The boys thought it was a joke. They thought it was like before.

    Mandalay raised her head as the boy stood between them each time the four rushed he delivered fast, targeted blows. Yet she didn't see any quirk from the boy. It was as if he fought with just skill alone. Skill beyond his years. "How!? How did you grow a spine quirkless freak!! You always used to be scared when we attacked you!!" Shouted one of the boys. "You all may have quirks. But without Kacchan, you all were just stupid punks who couldn't truly fight me one on one. With his power, which scared my body again and again, you all are too easy. Yeah, I may be quirkless, but unlike you all, I don't sit back and watch people in trouble without defending them."

    Her eyes opened wide at the words. The boy was really quirkless. Yet he is unlike all the others who walk by doing nothing. He came in to help. She was impressed at his grit, but they would get by him in the end.

    "I've had enough of this deku!" Shouted the rockfisted boy as the boy pulled out a syringe. "This will make me even stronger than Bakugo ever was. Those itty-bitty scratches he left all over you with his explosion quirk will be nothing compared to this!" The three others smirked as they stepped back. Izuku readied his makeshift staff. The boy injected the drug, and before Izuku could do a thing, the boy's quirk went into overdrive stone spikes protruded from his arms and legs as he stomped towards the boy.

    "I see. A quirk booster. That's your almighty trump card?" Izuku grumbles. He rushed the boy and ducked the swing as he slammed the pipe into his head before jabbing his forehead. Then, he ducked and slammed his pole into the boys knee with a sickening pop. Dropping the boy. "I'm a quirk nerd moron. I know more about your quirks  than you do. Benefit of being beaten by then every day for 10 goddamn years! Think I never anticipated you'd buy some cheap drug to be a threat. I have cou termeasures for every one of you. I know your strengths, weaknesses, and your fighting tactics." The boy roared as Mandalay watched on.

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