Chapter 3662 : Subtext

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A group of people drove to the new surgical building of the Guoxie. The beautiful white main building makes everyone's eyes sparkle.

   Teacher Lu, who was sitting in the car, looked at the new building and his eyes became moist first. He turned his head and whispered to the people around him, "Thank you, Yingying."

  The teacher thanked her for what?

   If it wasn't for this new favorite, it would be impossible for her, Teacher Lu, to muster up the courage to do the operation. If she hadn't made suggestions and recommended new foreign medicines, she, Teacher Lu, probably wouldn't be able to see this new building today.

   "It's my husband who saw half of his wish come true." Teacher Lu lowered his head and touched his eyes. Today, he will help her husband take a good look at the scene where the dream comes true.

  This is the greatest meaning of being a doctor. Since ancient times, no one has died. The most feared thing before death is to take regrets to another world. Even if the patient's life cannot be saved, as long as the doctor allows the patient to live one more day, the patient may not have to take away his regrets.

  Thinking of this, Xie Wanying looked forward. The handsome face of senior brother Cao driving was reflected in the front mirror of the car, and there was a deep and heavy silence between the two handsome eyebrows of the senior brother.

  After getting off the bus, I saw Section Chief Yang coming over and personally took them to visit the new building. The key point was to go to the Department of Cardiology.

   Entering the interior of the building, from time to time, you can see the figure of the decorator in full swing. In the elevator car, there are signboards for each department on the floor of the new building, which says that the original cardiothoracic surgery department of the National Association of China is divided into two wards: Cardiac Surgery and Thoracic Surgery.

  Ms. Lu nodded sharply: "Okay, okay, my husband said a long time ago that if you want to partition, partition is more professional."

  Looking at neurosurgery again, it is divided into the first and second districts according to the rumors. It shows that these two specialist departments have finally been attached great importance by the leaders of the National Association of China.

   "How does it feel to be a leader?" Teacher Lu picked up the microphone to interview Student Cao.

  Cao Yong replied seriously: "No matter what my status is, I am a student of you and Teacher Zhang."

   "Since when did you learn to be glib, didn't you buy me some candy?" Teacher Lu pointed at his handsome face, remembering how he was pushed back by these naughty students that day.

   Section Chief Yang interjected: "Our future director Cao is right, we are all your students, teacher."

  Forget it, forget it, one person can only speak a few words. Teacher Lu shook his head, stepped up his pace and entered the brand-new heart surgery ward to have a look.

  The interior decoration of the Cardiac Surgery Department is coming to an end, and many instruments and equipment have been moved into the ward for adjustment, fearing that the dust will be covered with a plastic film. Teacher Lu touched the advanced equipment left and right, and said to Section Chief Yang: "You should ask Dr. Xie's opinion more. She is the most outstanding medical student of our National Association in recent years. If my husband is here, she will definitely Pull her around and ask her for valuable advice."

  Xie Wanying: Teacher-I'm really afraid that the secret of her rebirth will be uncovered if this continues.

  My husband's wish was almost fulfilled. Teacher Lu looked back at the young people and said, "Cao Yong, you have a successful career, and you will get married and have children next time. I don't worry about you."

  Everyone on the scene listened to the teacher's subtext, and Section Chief Yang and others laughed.

  Xie Wanying blushed a little.

   "Hey." Teacher Lu sighed again, feeling a little worried when he thought of the student surnamed Tao.

  Student Tao is a gentle and good doctor in the eyes of her teacher Lu, with a more delicate mind than girls and more easily hurt. She, Teacher Lu, hopes that there is a good girl who can take care of each other with Tao, so that someone can comfort Dr. Tao in the worst time.

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