Chapter 3731 : Worse situation

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Answering Mr. Zhang's question involves confidence.

  Because the medical competition is not about who has bigger fists, but who is better at technology. Confidence in the answer at this moment can only come from technology.

  Where does the technical confidence come from?

  The others all looked at Ren Zhelun alone.

Disaster! Shen Youhuan looked up at the ceiling, first sympathizing with his colleagues. I could have sneaked around and developed myself for a while, but the master didn't give it away. I want to beat you up and put you in the cradle first to see if you are afraid. This should be the current state.

  The other people on the scene were silent and nervous. From Ren Zhelun's silence, one can roughly guess where the technical ceiling of Ren Zhelun's team is, which should not be higher than that of Company B.

   Is it okay to tie with Company B?

  The answer is obviously no. Medical people know too well that in the field of medical technology innovation, there is no such thing as a tie. It is said that the technical basis of surgical robots is basically the same, which means that many technologies are similar in appearance.

  If you can't come up with your own unique technology that is more powerful than others, I'm afraid that the other party will come back and say that you stole their technology.

  Who made Company B famous in the first place, famous all over the world.

  The benefits of being famous early are reflected here, and you can tell the world that some technologies similar to mine are all stolen from me. The reason why scientific research reports are scrambling to publish is to grab the track.

  Regarding the foreseeable situation, Mr. Zhang pointed to his disciple's chest: Accepting or not accepting other people's provocations depends on the technical confidence. It is not only 100% that can solve the problem, but 200% that needs to be surpassed.

  The obvious cards are placed here, the trap is set for you, the hole is dug, waiting for you to jump, see how high you can jump.

   It is no longer that the other party will not treat you as a stepping stone, but that there is no way out, no way out, and you can only step on the other party crazily.

   Ren Zhelun understood the key points pointed out by his boss.

   "I'll give you some time." Zhang Huayao said, asking him to consider whether to reply to the other party.

  You can ignore the invitation letter from the other party and just go your own way. The consequence of this is that everyone knows that you do not have the courage to accept the challenge of the other party because of poor technology. Even if you make future products, it may be difficult to restore your reputation.

  People have memories, this is the most terrifying point, no one can tolerate failure.

   Ren Zhelun turned and left, rushing to see how a group of children were learning. Perhaps time is too tight for him and his team at this moment, and expectations have to be pinned on others to see if they can bring about some breakthroughs.

  After he left, the group of people who stayed continued to talk.

   "Director Zhang, I heard that the partner opposite him is not very trustworthy." Du Ye Qing obviously received the gossip and revealed.

   "You want to say that the other party doesn't believe we can do it, don't you?" Shen Youhuan snorted.

  Domestic doctors are not bad at performing surgery, but technology updates and iterations always follow in the footsteps of other countries. This is because the technology of domestic medical devices is far behind others and can only be imported if they want to reach the advanced level. Therefore, foreign manufacturers look down on domestic doctors at this point and think you are not good.

  The result is that you can sell products directly to you, but there is no cooperative R&D project like Ren Zhelun.

   It can be seen from this that the robot k project developed by Ren Zhelun's team is likely to be ignored overseas, and they cannot find a particularly good cooperative hospital overseas, and eventually come back to China to find cooperation.

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