Chapter 3771

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  While continuing to monitor the patient's heart rate and pulse, Xie Wanying quickly called her junior sister: "Mi Siran."

  Hearing the command from the senior sister, Mi Siran paused, and replied: "Yes."

   "You accompany the patient to the hospital in an ambulance and return to the Association of Nations." Xie Wanying said.

  I really wanted to stay here with my seniors and brothers to continue saving people, but Mi Siran immediately vetoed this idea as soon as it crossed my mind. No, she has to listen to Senior Sister Xie. There must be reasonable medical reasons for Senior Sister Xie's arrangement.

  Xie Wanying's consideration is this.

  Looking at the scene, the female doctor only has herself and her junior sister. Just as it is easy for a male doctor to talk to a male patient, it is also easy for a female doctor to communicate with a female patient.

  Many times, some words of patients cannot be uttered to doctors of the opposite sex.

   Lying Shen Xifei heard her thoughtful arrangements, and couldn't help but feel a little touched, and at the same time, she could really feel the rationality of Dr. Xie who is always online. She is also a doctor, she knows too well that the most critical time is the need for a doctor who is not messy.

   Dr. Xie stayed here to watch Zhang Xiaohui, hope there is.

  Shen Xifei struggled to squeeze out another sentence: "I'll listen to you, Dr. Xie Wanying."

  The wounded obeyed, and the stretcher was pushed off the ambulance.

  Mi Siran followed Senior Sister Xie's instructions and escorted the wounded to the National Association. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell his cousin who parted ways: "You have to take good care of Senior Sister here."

   "I know." Mi Wenlin replied.

   Zhang Shuping was upset when he heard that, why did the two of them have their own teacher and only stared at his teacher Xie.

   After treating the injured, the group moved to Dr. Xie. Although everyone knows that Dr. Xie is very capable, he probably didn't need to ask them for help before.

   Seeing them coming, Xie Wanying mentioned another matter: "You guys help me find Brother Luo."

  Brother Luo?

   "He was the first to find something abnormal and drove here to look for Zhang Xiaohui. Then I called him for some reason, but he didn't answer."

  After hearing what she said, everyone suddenly realized that there might be more than these few wounded at the scene, and it was very possible that some wounded were dying but hadn't been discovered by others yet.

   "It's too bad, we must find him quickly." Lin Hao said with a livid face.

"Go back and ask that prisoner?" Zuo Jinmao suggested.

  They held the murderer down and handed it over to the police.

  The police must question the murderer.

  The problem is that the murderer himself seemed to be mentally ill. After being caught, he went crazy and spoke incoherently. Others could not understand what he was saying.

  The others were panicked, anxiously thinking about where to search, and there was no time to waste.

   There was a commotion in the crowd, and a well-known crowd came running from a distance and shouted loudly: "Someone is lying there and not moving."

   Did you find Brother Luo? Lin Hao and the others turned around and ran together with the police, and ran over to check the situation.

   Zhang Shuping and Mi Wenlin did not follow the senior brothers, it seemed that they were competing secretly, and both of them stayed here to take good care of Senior Sister Xie, Teacher Xie, as Mi Siran said.

   Soon, the people who went there confirmed that the newly discovered wounded was not Brother Luo, but the nanny who accompanied Yang Shaokun and was chopped off by the murderer because he did not go far.

  Hearing the news that it was not Brother Luo, Xie Wanying was not relieved but became more worried.

  Brother Luo is absolutely impossible to suddenly evaporate for no reason. What if Big Brother Luo has something wrong with him and asks Luo Xiaomei and Luo Xiaomei's children to do it.

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