Chapter 7: Memories lost, and memories found

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Walking down the street all Snape could think about was Lily. Having practically fled the house after having a conversation (if you could call it that) with Potter, Snape was finding it difficult to think. When they were still friends, Lily and him would walk around these very streets. Go into the grocery store and buy an ice block on very hot days. Shaking his head Snape power walked to the store, trying to shake away these old memories which hurt him ever so.

Grabbing a shopping trolley, Snape walked down all the isles picking up a bit of everything. Snape tried to keep calm and distract his mind, so he made a mental shopping list whilst pushing the trolley.


Bread, PastaButter, honey, jamsVegetables (Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Carrots, Onion, Garlic, Capsicum, Celery)Fruit (Apples, Bananas, Pears, Grapes, Stone fruit)Tea, CoffeeNapkins, Toilet paper, Tissues, laundry detergentCanned peas, corn, chickpeasETC....

As Snape frantically moved about the store he was stopped an old man who worked there. He seemed awfully chirpy for his liking. Severus sneered at the man as he wheeled past, only to be stopped by said man.

"I know you!" The man said. He stared at Snape confusedly, eyeing him up and down. He then smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"I remember you kid, my god, I haven't seen you in what has it been 20 years?" Snape did not believe that anyone in this small town would recognise, or even remember him.

"Hey pat, look who it is, Snape's kid!" At hearing this Severus did a 360 and turned towards a window. In his reflection, he was his ordinary self. Groaning Snape realised that in his hast, he left the house without applying a glamour spell.

If any death eaters were here, he would be screwed. Turning to the man who was eagerly pointing at 'Pat' to come over and have a look, Snape turned to the man and said "I think you have me confused with someone els..." He was interrupted by Pat who came hurrying over.

"How could we make a mistake, you look just like your ma, and pa." Both workers were asking him a million questions. Snape having had enough, replied to both of them "I do not understand who you are talking about. My name is definitely not Snape. I'm Peter Evens, and am only passing by, I actually live in Manchester... Sorry, awfully busy, Have a nice day"

"Well I'll be, I could have sworn that was Snape's boy... Ah well, best get to work Pats."

Snape was at the check-out register giving the cash lady 48 pounds and 20 pence for the shopping that he had bought. Carrying all 10 bags of heavy shopping, Snape added to his mental checklist that they would need to venture into Diagon Alley and go to Gringotts to buy new clothes; not to mention bed sheets, and bath towels.

Quickly dashing home, Snape kept his head down hoping that no death eaters would be searching for him in this area. Snape did not want to return home, how would Potter be? He did not want to go back and have to explain himself again. He never wanted to describe his feelings for Lily to anyone. However, when he looked into her sons identical green eyes, he couldn't help himself.

Once entering the confines of the property, Snape felt at ease. Opening the door, he made a dash to the kitchen and put the heavy shopping bags onto the dining table. Snape took his time, and slowly put away all of the food, not wanting to talk to Potter so soon.

As he put away the last of the food, Severus got hit with a very strong scent. He walked into the hallway and breathed in the air, he knew that scent all too well; blood.

He followed his nose, turning to where the scent was; the staircase. At the bottom of the stairs in a jumbled heap of limbs was Harry. Sprawled out onto the floor, with a heap of blood pooling around his head; the potion master's eyes went wide with fear. After getting over the initial shock he sprang into action. Checking for a pulse, the slow thrum of Potter's heart could be felt. Flicking his wand, Snape cleared the blood and lifted the boy to the old couch.

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