5. its all a mess.

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krishna's site landed on shakuni. The latter was now in full panic mode. Yogamaya smiled at her brata and took leave, vanishing into thin air. She took along, the memmories of seeing her. Her work here was complete.

Krishna , even though he knew shakuni's ill intentions, started to act he didn't know.

It seamed the prince of Gandhar was so in panic that he threw his dagger at krishna who had sat up. Krishna had expected this but before he could react, 2 arrows raiced toward the dagger , hitting either of its sides.

The dagger broke into 2, and Shakuni was surprised.

"did anyone see him out at the dead of the night and did they follow him till here??

"Gandhar raj, attacking someone while they are asleep. Hm?". Krishna's sarcastic voice filled the room. "if these princes weren't there, ". Krishna cied dramatically as the 3 heros steped into the room.

"I ... I came to,". Shakuni stuttered out. As krishna's melodious laughter filled the room.


Karna, arjuna, and Duryodhana had forgotten about yogamaya for that was necessary. They had the memmories all eccept that of yogamaya's appearance.

Shakuni, whom yogamaya had purposefully left with her memmories, was not knowing what to do now. He was trapped in his own web of Deceit.

Karna and arjuna, had borrowed the bows of 2 gards as they shot arrows toward the dagger at the same time.

Karna was literally losing his control. Arjuna was trembling with fury. Duryodhana was fealing broken, fealing bittrayed. He had never expected his mamanshri to be such a, Treacherous person.

Krishna continued.

"I was having a wonderful dream. Why did you interrupt it Gandharraj?". His voice was calm, yet held something deep in it as well.

"what had I done for the prince of Gandhar to feal like attacking me , that too when I was resting? . krishna asked, his voice tinched with innocence.

Shakuni was fealing disy, he felt his plans , for the first ever time, being foiled just because of this prince.

My gurudev had taught me that attacking someone whilst they're asleep is the Worst thing someone could ever do. Karna thought as krishna turned his attention to them.

"pranipat, karna. Pranipat, kumar arjun and kumar Duryodhana.. thankyou for saving my precious life.".

Krishna said and smiled.

That's when Shakuni remembered krishnas words of some princes .. were these some princes his nefew and panduputr arjun and that karna?

Shakuni turned around and that was it. .. he looked at karna and arjun. Yes, they were ready to kill him if necessary.

He stared at his dear knefew. Duryodhana was furious, broken, and what not? His eyes said it all.

As soon as Duryodhana felt his mamanshri's gaice on him, his sword that was in his hands droped down to the flore.

Krishna had stood up from his bed and walked to them.

Shakuni would stand there no more as he left hastily without even turning back. His fury knew no bounce as he found his plans all crumbled within a minute.


Forgive us, rajkumar Govind". Duryodhana said, as krishna smiled. "I had never expected my mamanshri to stoop so low to ". Duryodhana trailed off as krishna smiled again.

"for what? Kumar Duryodhana? You haven't done any mistake, why, then, do you ask forgiveness? ".

"well, I asked you on behalf-". " no no kumar. I wont accept that forgiveness. According to me, all of you are innocent and had come to see what was happening in here. How can I find faults in you when there is nothing?". "about your mamanshri, kumar Duryodhana. You should understand him better. And I know about him more than anyone in aryavarth. I know about all of you".

Krishna's voice was mysterious. Karna was relieved. At least, he was able to show his gratitude back to the person who had stood up for him, whomever he'd be.


er- this is a short chapter and pakka nonsence, it seams.

I felt like writing this so badly. This is it for this week.

Sorry dear readers if the chapter was not up to your expectations.

I'd try to update a longer one during Vijaya dashmi.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now