Cuddly Astarion

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"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

Oh shit.

It was late in the night, you were struggling to get to sleep. On nights like these you'd usually suffocate yourself in teddy bears and the comfort would drift you off but obviously your teddies weren't here.

For a while you just stared at the roof of your tent, letting your mind wander, and eventually it landed on your favourite vampire elf who had recently struck your fancy. You wished more than anything that he was there, wrapping you in a tight embrace.

Before you knew it you were rolling onto your side and grabbing the biggest pillow you could reach. You held onto it like it would slip away at any moment. If you squeezed your eyes hard enough and got lost in your imagination, you could pretend it was a person you were cuddling.

You imagined you were burying your face into his chest and running your fingers down his back - if only you had something to replicate his hair, but you didn't think you could replicate anything so fluffy. What you hadn't realised was at some point you must've started whispering to the pillow.

"I was just out... well I was out, and I stroll past your tent only to hear my name coming from inside."

Dropping the pillow, you immediately sat up and pushed it behind you, plastering on your sweetest smile, "Astarion I-

"Yes, that's exactly what you were just whispering." He let himself inside your tent and closed the flap behind him, "I usually tend to be pretty popular but I must say, this is a first."

"Look, I'm sorry. I know, there's something wrong with me. This was all super creepy and it's unfortunate that you had to find out. I understand if you never want to talk to me again, I'll keep away and I'll never do this again."

Astarion looked positively bored, "are you done with your little pity party? I'm not mad, not in the slightest." He came and kneeled down next to you, stealing the pillow away, "I wish my lovers did this. If anything, I'm jealous of the pillow, is it as beautiful as me?"

"What?" You stared at Astarion as he held the pillow next to his head comparatively, "you aren't entirely creeped out?"

"Pretending this less handsome-looking pillow is me and cuddling with it? Everyone has their quirks, darling, and this is one I can get behind." He stopped eyeing the pillow and gazed at you instead, "however I am a tad offended that you tried to use a significantly worse substitute instead of coming to the real thing."

"Astarion, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that next time you have the urge to cuddle, you should come find me." He leaned closer to you, "even if it is the middle of the night I won't mind, honestly."

"...why are you so okay with this?" You leaned away slightly, something wasn't adding up here.

Astarion looked like he was at a loss for words, "I...I just really like cuddling, is that so hard to believe?"

"But the other day Halsin told me you seemed upset, so he offered you a hug but you flat out refused."

He sighed, "okay fine I'll admit, I've never been a touchy-feely person but just how you've been getting cosy with this pillow, I've been fantasising about cuddling with you... there I said it."

A smile slowly spread on your face while you watched as Astarion struggled to meet your gaze, "does this mean what I think it means?"

"I don't know, what do you think it means?"

"You feel the same way as me?"

"We both like cuddles? Yes, I think we've already established that."

"No, you care about me... like I care about you." You whispered the last part.

Cuddly AstarionWhere stories live. Discover now