Chapter 2

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Andrea woke up the next morning feeling very dizzy and sick to her stomach. She, first thing, checked if Miranda needed something and her emails. Then she  went to to the shower ignoring the time wich was past 9 and trying to remember what happened last night.

She was in the shower the hot water running on her back and head. She remembered how she called Doug and found the liquor in her room but the fact that she was tucked in and the emails on her computer were answered was triggering her mind.

She then dressed herself in a comfortable outfit. Well, how comfortable can be a skirt with high Chanel boots and tight shirt? But it was some short of dress code to wear elegant outfits and had to deal with it especially now in Paris with paparazzi everywhere. 

In the meantime Miranda was sipping coffee and working on the book wich totally ignored last night. She wasn't dressed, only had put a light makeup on her face in case Andrea had to visit her.

The only thing planned for tonight was the birthday party of Christian Thompson. The man Andrea had sex the past days. He did that every year and invited a bunch of celebrities who attended the Paris week and not. So both women was relaxed the most of the day. Expect from the afternoon that Andy had to go and bring the dresses for her an Miranda.

After some time Miranda finished her work and wanted to eat lunch. The only person she trusted and knew what she wanted to eat was Andrea so she called her right away.

Andrea was out for a cup of coffee with Nigel one of her best friends in runaway when the phone rang.

A: Oh hello Miranda u okay?

M: I need lunch in 15 minutes and I wnat my dress in two hours with my makeup artist and hairstylist. Oh and andrea, I wnat to have a talk with u when u come here. That's all.

With that Miranda hung up and andy stood there staring at her cell phone. A talk? She wanted a talk? Oh no that must be bad news. Andrea though.

"Umm six u better go now Miranda hates people being late!" Nigel said looking at the lost in he fears Andrea.

"Uh..oh! Oh yes! I-il talk to you later nig!"
That was all she said while jumping out of her seat, grabbing her purse and starting to run on her high boots.
She was in the restaurant in less then 5 minutes and on her way back to the hotel she already managed to call Miranda's personal hairstylist and makeup artist.

By the time she knocked on the door she was out of breath and her nose was super red from the cold weather.

She looked adorable

M:"come in" Miranda said in her calm voice.

Andrea walked in leaving the food on the small table with her sparkling water.

A:"here's ur lunch Miranda, the dress and the staff will be here at 6 sharp. I already cleared all the emails for today and I want to apologize if yesterday night I didn't answer to any of ur calls..I drank a little too much and I passed out..and-"

M:"Andrea u know very well I'm not interested on the details. I know what happened last night and I completed all the emails...take a seat please." Miranda said and pointed with her hand on the beautiful couch the room had.

Andrea sat there and looked at the floor from embarrassment and from the fact that she didn't know what Miranda will do.
Miranda walked up and sat across her to the identicall couch in front of the table with her food. She studied Andrea from head to toe.

A:"i-i-im so sorry miranda it won't happen again I prom-"

M:"shh I don't like excuses. I am very disappointed in what happened yesterday and really didn't believe u would act so much like a teenager...drinking and falling into hungovers! This is so unprofessional and we're here to do business not holidays! This time I'll let it go but next there will be consequences. And for God's sake look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Andrea looked up to Miranda with teary eyes wich made Miranda's heart sink...she didn't expect that and her eyes widened when they made eye contact. There was silence in the room before Andrea said

A:"I understand and I won't let anything like this happen again, I reassure u Miranda, and I'm very sorry for being so emotional I really don't know wat's wrong with me!" She said and let ouf a laugh while brushing her tears of her face.

M:"hm-mh..don't forget about my dresses..that's all.." Miranda was feeling guilty about making Andrea cry cause after all they were together 24/7. She had only seen Andreas bright smile and sweet side and seeing her now crying just..

Andrea was walking quickly down the Paris streets while trying to find the people who had their dresses. When she finally had them she went to get Starbucks as to surprise her and she ran back to the hotel. She hasn't seen Miranda after their 'talk' so she was a little nervous. She knocked on her room.

M:"Andrea, time is 5.30 what are u doing here with my dress so early. U said the staff will be here at 6!?"

Miranda said while letting her walk in her suite.

A:"well I figured that u might want to find some jewelry that match with it and of course I didn't want to run last minute. I want to get ready in time as well."
Andrea said while leaving Miranda's dress on the bed and the Starbucks on the mini table.

A:"and I brought u ur favorite Starbucks to make it up for yesterday.." Andrea said  hoping Miranda won't fire her for being too friendly...or opening up so much.

M:"hm..good..well we have some work left would u mind seating here to finish it up quickly? I don't wnat u go back to ur room and talk to that friend of urs all day again!"
When Miranda realized what she said about Doug it was late Andrea had that pazzling expression on he face.

A:"yeah for sure I don't mind..just tell me where u need me to focus!"

Andrea said leaving Miranda's mentioning behind.
Miranda sighed inside of her and just sat across Andrea and both women started typing on their computers.

Whne they had finished the staff knocked on the door and Andrea stood up to open.
Several assistants walked in with makeup tools and surrounded Miranda. So Andy just went to her room so she can get ready herself and of course called Doug to tell him everything!

D:"And I thought u never call!"
A:"hahahah stop...well apparently taking her coffee and being the best assistant made her forget everything about last night!"
D:"yeeess girl! U got it! And? What happened then?"
A:"well..she invited me to work together! And of course I said yes and while we were working I could see her peak on my shirt the whole freaking time! I don't want to get my hopes up but after Nate I need her more than ever."
D:"woww that's amazing Im proud dear! And who knows..maybe she will do something over time...Ohh I have a plan to win he over!"
Andrea sighed while opening her makeup pallet and started working on her  look.
A:"what is it?"
D:"tonight u will flirt with Christian as much as u can..even if he's cheesy! And then we will she how she react...if she's a little bit more cold than usual she's jealous..or if she interrupts ur conversation! "
A:"well that's not bad at all! I will see what I can do! But now I'll have to quicken my moves so I gotta go!"
With that Andrea shut the phone and focused on her looks.she wanted to impress Miranda.

She was finally done with her hair and her makeup, jewelery the only thing was the dress.

Miranda was all ready and waited for Andrea. Her clock hitted 7 and she desided to go see wat's taking her so long.
Miranda was kinda zooned out and forgot to knock on the door. She just burst in only to find an Andrea struggle with her zipper. She froze of the beauty she had in front of her eyes. Andrea just smiled at her and looked back at the mirror trying to work on the zipper she didn't panic at all.

They didn't say a word. Miranda walked up behind her and andrea rested her arms down. Then Miranda slowly zipped it the dress while smelling her ecstatic scent and feeling her soft pale skin on her fingers. That movement send triggers down andreas spine and she smiled.

Miranda also couldn't help but notice her sexy lingerie but didn't said anything.
When she finally pulled away Andrea turned around.

A:"thank u Miranda"
Miranda let out a tiny smirk
M:"come on.." Miranda sais calmly and walked to the door with Andrea behind her.

In the car, there was silence. And they were to the destination at 8 sharp when the party started.and Doug's plan will be in form.

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