Chapter 16

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Miranda was observing the view of NY while being too scared to look towards Andrea. She was actually feeling really scared to be herself and bring up any kind of was strange..she was THE Miranda priestly and she was blushing while being shy and all for a girl! Younger Miranda would probably be disappointed in her now..she was feeling guilty for firing people and even for being rude to Emily..crazy..

Andrea was also looking out the window and her legs shook slightly out of anxiety..her hand quickly found her belly bump that was exposed beautifully out of this blouse she was wearing...

The silence became rather comforting for both women and Andrea even hummed to the song playing on the radio.. The drive was quite long due to the traffic jams all over the city.. People were running around getting gifts for the holidays, running errands or simply walking through the decorated city..

It was true that Miranda nor Andrea celebrated holidays..if Miranda ever did was for her girls but mostly it was just a normal day for them..Andrea who usually loves all kinds of holidays Christmas was certainly her least favorite..because she had lost her beloved grandma at New year's eve when she was 16 and she has some sort of trauma from that day..

The car finally stopped and Miranda came out of the car first and then she opened the door for Andrea being extra sweet and caring with her..she offered her a hand of help and andrea gracefully took it and stood up..her hand finding her belly bump momentarily..

Slowly they walked to their favorite spot and ordered  "the usual". They were sitting at the same corner as always, sipping the same drinks, the only thing that changed was the look they wasn't as passionate as didn't hold the trust and happiness it usually had..there was a bit of sadness in the air..

They looked at each other feeling that there was so much to be said but no one was brave enough to make a start..

Andrea said shyly looking at Miranda's tired face.
Painful silence filled the room for a few more minutes before Miranda sighed while closing her eyes for a moment before speaking up in a hushed tone..

M:"I can't hide my true intentions from you Andrea..Its not that I want you's that I need heart aches when I see the house empty..our bed empty..I miss you terribly..your presence, your happy aura and mood that brightens up my life..I made this horrendous mistake and I've truly regreted it my love..I only want you my darling..only you.."

Miranda said suddenly and took Andrea's hand from across the table..Andrea was stunned by this confession cause Miranda usually struggles to express her feelings..but only did she know Miranda had prepared all this monologue while she cried herself to sleep these 7 days

Andrea didn't pull her hand away instead she leaned slightly In the touch..she saw how desperately Miranda wanted an answer so she decided to say something

A:"it's not that I don't want to come back but..I'm afraid to get hurt again..I'm in a very vulnerable state now with this baby girl in my belly and I'm afraid I'll get attached to you again while you'll take care of me..because this will happen..I know you care deeply about me and I love you as well..this love keeps me here now..and God knows how much I missed your arms and your loving touch.."

Miranda struggled to understand if she would have Andrea back or not so she blurt her question out nervously gripping Andrea's hand stronger
M:"are you gonna come back or not Andrea?"

She said her tone more impatient and didn't scare Andrea not one bit..

A:"I need space I'm sorry.."
And with that Miranda released her hand and adjusted her jacket accepting her defeat..Andrea felt extremely bad and fidgeted with her ring under the table.

The food came and they ate in silence..even small talk seemed too hard for them love birds..

One hour and three glasses of wine later Miranda payed for the lunch and they started walking towards the exit..Andrea had her eyes glued to the floor and when the door opened paparazzi showered them with flash lights and questions being yelled at Miranda..Andrea was totally not prepared for this and she gasped falling in Miranda's arms..Miranda kept her calm and her arms covered almost possessively Andrea's waist and belly bump..she protected her and Roy came to help the get in the car..once inside Andrea didn't left Miranda's arms..she even lied her head to her shoulder...

M:"to the townhouse."
Miranda ordered to Roy and he nodded slightly.
Andrea was too tired to deny anything..she was shocked from the paparazzi and plus she still hasn't take her meds and vitamins..she laid there in the same position in Miranda's arms...

Miranda felt whole again..and felt truly responsible to protect Andrea..her hands slightly caressed her belly bump sending small triggers down Andrea's spine.

A:"don't..don't let me go ever again.."
Andrea whispered slightly and rested her palm at the center of Miranda's chest pressing it slightly.

Miranda tighten her grip on Andrea and whispered to her while buring her head in her hair.

M:"I could never make the same mistake my love.."
Some tears rolled down their faces but there was peaceful mood and all the anger was gone..there was more to come..the future looked bright now that they were entangled together once again..

Hello my lovely readers!
Im deeply sorry I left you guys for so long but I had some problems logging into my account 😭🙏
Now I hope we're back on track with the updates so stick around!

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