Chapter 3

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They walked up the stairs to the big building looking amazing. Paparazzi showered them with questions, photos and flashing lights. Even when they entered the building and saw all the guests everyone was in an awe of how beautiful their presence was! Miranda immediately started chatting with her celebrity friends and told Andrea to go give the present Nigel got for Christian.

Perfect. Andrea thought. The perfect excuse to talk with him and seduce him one more time.

Andrea just nodded and walked up to Nigel.
A:"Hey nig! I want the gift to go give it to Christian"
N:"oh hi six! Yeah I got it right here and don't ask me what is it my assistants got it and please don't mention it to Miranda. If she asks say it was Chanel new collection!"
A:"oookayy...weird..but anyway, how do I look?"
Andrea asked fixing her dress her hair and lipstick a bit.
N:"u look good..but why tho? Ur going to talk to Christian.."
A:" well long story short..I had sex with him in our second night here in Paris..(Andrea made a guilty face as she knew Nigel would be mad)..well I was heartbroken from nate and I wasn't in my mind! But...(She sighed)..I..i want to flirt with him again so I could make Miranda jealous..(She had a nervous expression now on her face and was looking to the ground)

N:"Omg six...that was a little bold..don't tell me ur in love with Miranda!?" He said whispering.
N:"oh my goooddd! How! U know her...(He sighed touching he's nose in disappointment) girl...why couldn't u stick to Christian..or nate!? Why her!"
A:" well I can't control my heart u know Nigel! And Christian is cheesy..nate..ha! Nate is an ass hole! But anyway..I'm going now.." With that she handed him her drink and left to go find Christian.
Nigel didn't had the chance to say something more he just looked as she slowly disappeared through the crowd. Then he looked at Miranda only to find her stare at Andrea as she walked up to Thompson.

Andrea walked up to him and he kissed her hand.
She gave him the gift and they chated alot together. Also Andrea maked sure to be a little flirty and smile alot as to seem flattered. He didn't miss the chance of course and had that smirk on he's face..
Andrea tried her best not to roll her eyes at he's cringe pick up lines but couldn't say he wasn't handsome..

Miranda was looking at her talk with him but didn't gave much attention to that. She knew Andrea was friendly and had started a chat just to seem polite. But when the time to dance came and Christian asked Andy to danse a vals with him she noticed. How couldn't anyone notice them. They were at the middle of the room laughing and being way too close to each other. As Miranda saw him grab Andrea by the waist and her blushing at the moment -or that's what Andrea wanted her to see- she started feeling a little jealous. Then as the vals ended and an very slow song started playing, some people left the danse floor but Christian pulled Andrea closer now their bodies touching and she rested her head on he's shoulder. Miranda was now watching closely, but when he's hand lowered on her back and touched her ass Miranda burned inside of her and knew she had to make Andrea hers. She was determined to do it. And Miranda always gets what she wants..right?
She waited patiently for the song to end and when Andrea looked at her, and they made eye contact, Miranda signaled her it was time to leave.

Andrea could sense something was off and instantly remembered Doug's words. And with that she turned to Christian gave him a quick peck on the lips and left. Christian blushed and saw her walk away

When they got in the car Andrea didn't say anything even tho she wanted to ask why they left so early.

M:"oh Jesus..he's eyes were glued to ur ass.."
Miranda said with an annoyed voice almost whispering and looking out the window.

Andrea was stunned of what Miranda had said. Her head turned around to look at her with an surprised look and Miranda turned to look at her almost the same time.

A:"excuse me?!" Andrea said looking surprised even though she was cheering from inside.

M:"u heard me! How could u even like this man he's so cheesy!"

A:"I know right...but who said I liked him!? I was only being friendly..that's all.." Andrea tried to play it innocent and like she didn't notice the dragon in flames right beside her.

M:"friendly? So u tell me friends kiss each other and danse romantic blues together?" Miranda said sarcastically.

A:"yees! Real friends to that sometimes.. But why do u even care Miranda..."

M:"so u really don't understand anything do u?"

Andrea didn't had the time to react cause they had arrived to the hotel and Miranda opened her door and left.

A stund Andrea walked out of the car and tried to catch up with Miranda.

When they finally arrived in front of the elevator and Miranda called it, not even glancing over at Andrea.
A:"what did u mean about that Miranda?? Please tell me"

M :"ur so's so annoying!"
Miranda mumbled and the elevator doors opened. As Miranda walked in and andrea set a foot inside Miranda hold a hand up stopping her.
M:"excuse me don't u know I don't share elevators?" Miranda looked down to the foot Andrea had inside and slowly up to see her face. Andrea had her eyebrows raised her mouth slightly open and in her eyes were forming tears..and she had this heartbroken look.

Miranda didn't know why andrea was crying so often lately..has she really heartbreak her?

Then Andrea stepped outside and the doors closed causing the two women to break eye contact..
Andy was speechless still trying to process things.
So nearly 4 hours ago Miranda zipped her dress and smiled at her..and now she didn't want to share an elevator...? -What have I done so wrong?- Andrea was thinking...

She then decided to go back up to her room. There she soaked in her bathtub while crying her eyes out.

When she finally dragged her self to bed she was still wearing her robe and her wet hair was down spealing water drops on her chest.
She grabbed a chocolate and a glass of vodka. She didn't really liked that drink but that was the only thing the mini bar was left with.
She didn't want to call Doug..she thought about calling Nigel but he would be probably busy. She had fought with nate and lily and Emily wasn't one of her choices anyway. The only person who could actually understand her was..Miranda.
Andrea was for sure not going over at Miranda's..she was a little stubborn. So when she finished her drink she slipped in her covers and slept.

On the other hand Miranda was in her bed as well crying. She realized she had fallen in love with Andrea. And when she falls in love she hurts people...or that's what her previous husband said... She was overwhelmed cause she was so afraid to express her feelings that she tried to stay away from the person she loves...

She tried to sleep then but couldn't...
Miranda then got was around 2 am she had blurry vision but her heart knew where she was going. Then she walked out of her room and entered Andrea's. She saw her sleeping so peacefully and walked up to the bed. She then layed down next to her and hugged her from behind. Andrea was such a heavy sleeper she didn't understand anything. Miranda then was able to sleep..but knew what she was doing was very wrong. That was first time she didn't care about what was gonna happen tomorrow. She just smelled her perfume and fall asleep....

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