3-Prince Prince Go Away

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Kings Landing, 290 AC, Four Years Later

Opening the door to the Prince's quarters, Ser Barristan slowly made his way out onto the balcony as he was met with Jon feeding a small dead mouse to Snow before she dove off the ledge and gracefully flew through the sky above the city. 

"Your grace" Barristan greeted with a bow.

"Good morrow Ser Barristan. Anything of note?" Jon asked.

"Nothing to concern yourself with this morning your grace. Your father sleeps soundly as always" Barristan replied.

"I figured. We won't even acknowledge the world until at least noon. That's when it all falls to Lord Arryn" Jon spoke as silence fell for a brief moment.

"It appears your attempting to train Snow, may I ask what for?" Barristan asked.

"I've decided to give her a calm morning. I'm trying to teach her to catch messenger birds such as pigeons and ravens. With the Gyrfalcon's primary prey being other birds, it seemed fitting" Jon spoke as if on que, Snow returned with a dead seagull clutched firmly in her talons as she began taking chunks of flesh from her prey. 

"It seems she's more eager then anticipated" Barristan said with a smile.

"Well, she does learn from the best" Jon replied as he lifted her large finely crafted cage to her level, allowing her to jump in with her meal firmly grasped in her mouth.

"Well, she does learn from the best" Jon replied as he lifted her large finely crafted cage to her level, allowing her to jump in with her meal firmly grasped in her mouth

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"Shall we see to breakfast your grace?" Barristan asked.

"There are four things that get me out of bed in the morning Ser. That is Eggs, Bacon, Black Pudding and the 'King's Landing Spirit'!" Jon replied sarcastically as his protector couldn't help but chuckle. 

Making his way out of the Royal Quarter, down the grand staircase, across the Keep Courtyard and into the Dinning Hall, Jon was greeted with most of his 'Family'. Jamie holding little Marcella, Cersei holding the infant Tommen and Tyrion sitting with Jeoffrey who did nothing but pick at his food.

"Ah, Prince Jon. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Tyrion asked with a smile, the only one who willingly wore one in Jon's presence. 

"Good morrow Tyrion. I assure you I burden you all with my presence solely for the scent of bacon that filled the keep on this fine morning. Dear mother" Jon spoke as he made his way around the dining table and over to Cersei's side where he gave both her a peck on the cheek and a small one on Tommon's head. 

Cersei slipped on a half-baked smile as her eyes betrayed her, rolling in their typical snobbish and judgmental manner.

"It appears competition is brewing. I shall have the lances prepared!" Tyrion said with a sarcastic chuckle as he received piercing death stares from both his siblings. 

A few minutes of undisturbed silence falls across the table as Jon hastily but steadily get's through his meal as to remove himself from the toxic environment that is Jamie and Cersei's company.

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