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[Alternatively Titled: In Which The Introductory Chapter Is A Bit Short, I Might Say]

Arthur leisurely walked down the cobblestone street. The stars twinkled in the pitch black sky of northern England. A common dream.

It would take place in different places he had been, sometimes London, Glasgow, Cardiff. It would always be night, and it would always turn terribly.

He'd be walking down a street, meet a young man or woman from a near by pub, talk a bit and get to know them, earn their trust if you will.

But while walking with them, he feel around in his pocket, and pull out a small switchblade, and quickly slice their throat. And there was no difference this night.

He woke up with a jolt, with mixed feelings of fear, regret, and excitement. He wiped the tears and sleep from his,eyes and turned to the clock- 2:32 A.M. Well, he was wide awake now, no going back to sleep.

He reached for the phone on his nightstand, and called up Francis. He was on speed dial for nights like this.

"Again, Angletere? Fourth time this week, I really think you need help." Francis said groggily.

"Shut up, it's not anything to worry about, I'm sure." Arthur replied.

"Dreams of murder... of course, it's fine, signs of a healthy brain I'm sure." Francis said sarcastically. "I hope I don't get folie à deux from talking to you."

"All I need you to do is keep talking to bore me to sleep, you do it all the time at meetings anyway."

"Bore you? Alright, then. I'll talk about you, you're boring."

"Fine, don't help me. I'll just stay awake, staring at the moon, rethinking my life."

"Hell if I care what you do. If I were you though, I'd make use of this extra time and clean out,that basement of yours. Get rid of all those weird "magic" books and crap."

"I would never. And with that, I think I've have enough of your annoying French voice. Goodnight, frog."

"Same to you, mon amour."

"Oh shut up, please."

They hung up, and they tried to go back to sleep. But that would prove quite difficult for Arthur. Too many things were on his mind now, thoughts dancing around his head.

'he's right, I'm crazy... why is this happening? It's been going on for so long... But crazy people don't know they're crazy, right? And I know I am, so I'm not?' he went thinking around in loops until he fell asleep.

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