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[Alternatively Titled: In Which A Lot Of Pain Happens (Whether It Be Emotinal or Physical, to the Reader or Character) or In Which Francis Makes a Speech]

"Ivan he's not... Alfie. Alfie..." A voice was saying, muffled.

"ALFRED F. JONES. WAKE UP." The same voice said, no longer muffled.

"Oh, Francis! You're here, thank g-" Alfred started to say. Then he opened his eyes. It was not Francis.

"Francis? No. Why you would yell his name worries me. No. It is not Francis. Tis-" Arthur spun in a circle- "Tis I!"

Now Alfred was tied to a table, the same one and in the,same way Ivan was earlier. Ivan was tied to a chair a few yards away, his mouth still gagged.

"What are you-" Alfred noticed the knife in Arthur's hand- "You're... You're gonna..."

"Try not to kill you to quickly." Arthur finished. "You know, if you hadn't woken up when I yelled, I would have chopped off a finger. That would have gotten you up and running, it did to Ivan." he said nonchalantly.

It was then that Alfred really got a look at Ivan. Before, he had been so flustered and nervous and kind of drugged, so he hadn't been paying attention. But it was now that he noticed the scars and bruises on Ivan's face, the crudely sewn up cuts, and the missing left pinky finger. Arthur must have taken out his anger on him. It made Alfred want to cry.

"Righto! Stop oogling at Ivan now. Let's get started, shall we?" Arthur said cheerfully, moving to block his view of Ivan.
"First of all, let's shave that 5 o'clock shadow you've got there!" He picked up a razor and dragged it across Alfred's chin, making him wimper with pain. The blood dripped down to his neck.

"What about a haircut, eh!" Arthur said through a wide grin. He brandished a pair of shiny, black-tinted scissors. He chopped Alfred's hair at multiple angles, and purposely cutting his ears too. Alfred was yelling at him to stop, but it was as if he had gone deaf.

"What shall I do next, hm Ivan?" Arthur asked. Ivan tried to yell 'no' through the handkerchief stuffed in his mouth.

"What was that? It sounded like you said 'toes'! Excellent suggestion!" Arthur grabbed a large knife, grabbed a hold if Alfred's righy foot, and with one swift motion, took away his two smallest toes.

When suddenly the door opened. Alfred saw who it was, and tried to smile. He was saved.

"Arthur... oh Arthur... What have you... What have you done?" Francis said, quickly descending.

"Francis." Arthur said, his back to him.

"Turn around."

"Go away. I was busy." Arthur said through his teeth. His voice fluctuated a little from normal to demonic.

"Arthur Kirkland, show me your face this instant!" Francis yelled.

"I SAID I WAS BUSY!" Arthur suddenly turned around, and pounced at Francis, his knife raised.

"ARTHUR STOP THIS!" Francis yelled, and punched him in the face, knocking him back.

"You, look at what you have become. Your eyes, they aren't even yours anymore, they've chamged to the brightest blue I have ever seen. Your hands, they don't belong to you, they are sonething elses- your own hands would never have done what these have. You were right. You are a madman, a psychopath, a serial killer, a terrible creature of this here planet earth. You are dispicable.
'I cared for you, I loved you, Arthur. And now look at what you have become. You took Alfred away so he could love you, when he was already in a relationship? And you tortured him. Makes me wonder, what if you had ever loved me back? Would you have murdered me too, in the name of love? I am the country of romance, of love. I know about love, Arthur. And this, this is not it. No where near it." Francis finished.

"I... I-" Arthur started, now laying on the blood splattered cement floor. His eyes were now green again.

"Do us all a favor and shut your goddamned mouth for once." Francis kicked him in the stomach before coming to Alfred side to untie him and stop the bleeding.

"Francis... I-"

"Arthur, I THOUGHT I SAID BE QUIET!" He yelled.

"MY NAME. IS NOT. ARTHUR." The demonic voice said again. His eyes were now fully blue, the whites of his eyes were non existent. "I AM OLIVER."

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