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[Alternatively Titled: In Which Arthur Freaks Out Again, or In Which I Descover These Chapters Are Actually Kind Of Short Compared To Other Stories (sorry)]

"Arthur? Are you okay?" said a voice. "Arthur, wake up!"

"Wha... Oh. You. Why are you here?" Arthur spat angrily at the Frenchman.

"Because you haven't talked to me for days. What were you doing? Did you get drunk? Are you not sleeping, is that the only way to stop the nightmares? Why are you on the floor?" Francis said. He really was worried. He helped him up off the ground.

"No, I'm fine! Really, I slept fine last night. Wait, you said I was out for days? How many?"

"Like, four. Four days, Arthur. What the hell happened?"

He didn't know. He knew sonething big, life changing even, but what? Arthur sat on the edge of his bed, trying to think. It was like his mind had a crack, where the memories had leaked out from.

"This is not how I wanted to end up in your bedroom, Angletere." Francis nervously chuckled. This earned him a punch in the shoulder.

"Francis, I don't know. I didn't get drunk, and I remember I slept beautifully. I just slept a lot longer. Also, how'd you get into my house?" He questioned.

"There have been drunken nights. I know things, remember? Like where you keep spare keys." Francis smirked. Another shoulder punch.

"Well anyways, you can leave now. As you can see, I'm fine. Goodbye, Francis." Arthur said, eager to show him out, and be alone.

"Before I leave, let me tell you this: Alfred told me about yesterday, about his little test, about how you weren't yourself. Promise me, you will get help someday?" Francis pleaded before leaving.

"You sound just like him. But fine. Goodbye, Francis." Arthur said, shutting the door as soon Francis was out. He turned to face the small mirror near the door. Nothing was wrong. He might have an odd freckle here or there, but he had been outside a lot lately.

No bigie.


"There you are! Where have you been!? The boss man left already, so I had to lie to stay behind! I lied to the President for you Artie!" Alfred exploded when they med each other at Piccadilly Circus that day.

"I woke up on the floor with Francis standing over me. But it turns out I've just been sleeping for four days. I don't remember what happened before I went to sleep, but something bad and big." Arthur told him.

"Artie, I'm so worried for you. Everyone is. There was a small meeting you missed, only the former Allies. Matthew is freaking out. That's why Francis was over at your house, we sent him to check up on you. And- Arthur, are you even listening?"

No, he hadn't been. He wasn't. He was remembering. Bits and pieces were coming back, slowly but surely.


"What? Are you okay? Are you remembering?"

"No I mean I... I killed her."

"What!? Who? Why? Artie, you can't have killed anyone."

"No, I put her out of her misery... But then I... oh dear god..."

"What? What did you do?" Alfred cried, trying to shake him from his trance.

"Nothing! Heheh... Just pulling your leg, nothing happened. I'm fine see?" Arthur said, snapping out of it and laughing off the pain.

"Oh... Okay then... Wait, have you got... Have you got freckles?" Afred peered. Arthur's,hand flew to his face.

"No! Nothing I wrong, Allen! Er, Fred! Alfred! Nothing is wrong."

"Man, you are old. Forgetting my name? Wow."

"Alfie, let's go for a pint. You can tell me more about the meeting."

"Oh... Actually I was planing to hang with Ivan. Discuss somethings, you know?" Alfred said, raining on Arthur's parade.

"Oh. Alright then. Have fun." Arthur said, obviously disappointed.

"Sorry, man, but you aren't my only friend." Alfred said as he set off down the street.

'But you're my only friend...' Arthur thought.

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