Saturday Morning- The set-up

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Your POV-

*Beep Beep- You have one new message!*

Georgie: Heyy (Your Name) Its such a nice day today shall we go for a picnic in the park??xxx

(Your Name): Yeahh sure what time, I'm free all day??xx

Georgie: How about 1ish?xx

(Your Name); Okayy see you later! :)

Georgie: Cyaa :D

So I have a 'date' with Georgie in the park. This should be fun just chilling with my bezzie. I can't wait. Better remember to get the food together though or she'll throw a fit. You do not want to be around her when she's hungry. She's like a beast when there is no food in her stomach.

Georgie's POV-

Georgie: I've done it Mitch. She has no idea. This is gonna be so great!! Now all you have to do is get Perri to go along and we've done it. We'll be in the park at about 1ish. I'll sit her near the ice cream van. :)

Mitch: Okay I'm on it right at this very moment. :)

Mitch POV-

"What are you doing?" Perri asked intrigued at what I was up to.

"Nothing" I quickly said whilst turning off my messages and locking my phone. Sliding it slyly into my pocket. I was not going to ruin this plan.

We were sitting in Nandos and he was leaning over the table with a perfectly clear view at where my phone used to be situated.

"You were texting someone" he said proudly as if he thought he had caught me out. Well the jokes on him he isn't going to get anything out of me.

"No one like you want it to be" I said calmly "Just my mum, she wondered where we were"

Perris face dropped, he thought I was doing something like talking to a girl. It's a good job that he trusts everything I say other wise the set-up would be over. Anyway it was time to get my half of the deal sorted out.

"Are you done Pel?" I asked trying to draw him out of his heaven(Nandos) and sneakily walk him through the park.

"Yeah sure lets go" He said whilst leaving a tip on the table.

As we walked past the park entrance I began a conversation on the beautiful weather and Perri was actually the one who suggested we went in. Bonus now I don't have to do any persuading.

Your POV-

It was 12:45 so I finally dragged myself out of bed and pulled on my vest top and shorts. Luckily my mum sorted some food out. I completely forgot!

A few minutes to one I quickly slipped on my converse grabbed the basket and went to the lamppost at the end of our road where Georgie was already waiting.

"What time do you call this?" She asked jokingly looking down at the fake watch on her wrist. She had her picnic blanket rolled up under her arm and I was carrying the basket. It had all our favourite foods in: sausage rolls, ham sandwiches; bread sticks and a large array of dips.

Georgie's POV-

As soon as we entered the park I did a discrete but frantic search for the ice cream van which was conveniently at the other end of the park. As we got closer I saw Mitch and Perri sat on the grass listening to music and made the impulse decision to go and sit with them.

"Mitch!" I shouted turning a lot of confused peoples heads but it luckily got Mitch's attention as well.

He sat up and signalled us to go and sit down. (Your name) was completely mortified, she was about to go and sit with her crush and she didn't even know me and Mitch had been texting. This should be an interesting afternoon.

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