Chapter 06

362 13 1

3rd person pov

Akira descends to the ground and walks over to his friends and family.

Piccolo: By the way Akira, were you the one behind android 18 appearing out of nowhere?

Akira nods.

Akira: I am.

Krillin: But how were you able to find her?

Akira:*chuckles* When I was fighting with Cell, I was able to send a bit of my energy into his body, which I used to help me see whether or not android 17 and 18 were still alive. Unfortunately I was only able to locate android 18. So when I snapped my fingers I did two thing. 1. I nullified Cell regeneration, and 2. I teleport android 18 to Krillin.

Tien: I gotta say that's quite impressive.

Yamcha: Y-Yeah

Piccolo: Anyway, we should head on over to the lookout.

Everyone flew over towards to Kami lookout. Goku was about to follow but then notice Vegeta was still on the ground.

Goku: Hm, what the matter Vegeta. We won the fight, so why aren't you happy.

Vegeta: Hmph, save your applause. Just leave me alone.

Goku: Well it your call.

Goku then flies off.

Mr. Satan: What are those guys...

Announcer: Mr. Satan! Where is Cell?

Mr. Satan: Uh Cell? I uh- I beat him! I showed him who's boss!


Mr. Satan: Haha, yes! Well you heard it here first folks, Earth has been saved! And it all thanks to ME!!!


Dende was healing Android 18. Once she was healed, she shot up in fear.

Krillin: Awake at last.

Yamcha: Dende! Get away from her, quick! She'll punch a hold right through you!

Akira: Calm down Yamcha.

18 then got up and looked around.

Krillin: Hey, it's alright nobody gonna kill anyone! We can put the past behind us can't we, now that Akira beat Cell, we can all be friends.

Android 18: Akira did? Who's that?

Akira: That would be me.*waves*

Yamcha: And he's incredibly strong.

Goku: Krillin was by your side when Akira got you out of Cell.

Krillin: Well it was nothing really, I mean I enjoyed, I mean I couldn't leave you there.

Gohan: I got it, Krillin you have a crush on android 18 don't you!

Krillin then runs over to Gohan and smacks him on the head.

Akira narrows his eyes at Krillin, which Caulifa notices.

Yamcha: What?! how could you Krillin she's a...

Tien: You know she's an android right, pal?

Akira:*clears throat* Have the two of you forgotten who my wife is.

Tien and Yamcha then realize there mistake.

Tien: We werent insulting your wife Akira.

Yamcha: Yeah man, honest we weren't.

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