Episode 1

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He was a handsome man in his early thirties, tailored navy suit, slicked back hair, an angular chiselled face.

Rudra was been looking over the bustling city. His face was stoic as no emotions were readable in his hooded onyx eyes. He crossed his arms, gaze dark but lonely. There was a tragic sadness somewhere hidden behind his closed off persona.


"Hm?" He rumbled.

"Why can't you join the event? Every year maa requests you, yet you don't budge?"

"You won't understand it Abhi, you're just a kid."

The man-child huffed and loosened the suffocating tie around his neck. "This kid looks over finance worth billions." His finger was pointed towards himself while he was lounging in dark couch in the corner of the office.

Rudra turned around and casted him a neutral glance. "Oh really?"

"Come on bhai, you can attend the aarti itself if you're that wary of potential matches throwing themselves at you..but maa misses you."

Rudra sharply exhaled through his nose. "I can't."

"Why not?"

He shook his head to himself and crossed his arms as he looked away. There was no use telling his siblings about his paranormal and emotional predicament. It was better they stayed as far as possible from his dark past. Only his mother knew about his gift. Thus she never insisted and pressured him for doing something.

Though he never told anyone how he was Agrim Bhairav Rathore, their notorious and barbaric ancestor who killed Ganga.

His Ganga.

They were successors of a sinner, the reason why an annual Mahakali puja was organised at Jaipur palace every year. It tamed their sins in a way.

He smirked bitterly to himself. How could he cleanse himself from the sin of violating a cleansing and holy Ganga as her?


He was her murderer. A killer of his own wife. Lover. A Queen.

His divine half.

"It's unfair, I've to run errands in your absence. Even Prithvi agrees to my logic." Abhinav pouted almost. It was clear the spoilt brat was about to sulk anytime soon.

Sometimes Rudra wondered how he got lucky with a clown as youngest brother. The pampered and stubborn Rathore; Abhinav. But he deserved it. Every bit of pampering they could shower on him. Rudra had once mustered courage to explore his past life and it left him...shattered. His brother in his recent past life had succumbed to famine. A little three year old who died after days of suffering through torturous hunger...

And he never told him why he was a ravenous beast when it came to food, never told him why he was such an emotional eater, why he stuffed food like there was no other day, why he sometimes sobbed like a baby when he was given a hearty meal...

"Are you crying?" Abhinav asked concerned. Were those tears in his bhaiya's eyes?

"No, my eyes are itchy."

"Did you sleep yesterday?"


"Again? You can't skip your sleep! That's not healthy."

Rudra sighed and confidently sat in his chair, pouring himself a glass of water. "Prithvi 's enough for the healthy stuff." Prithvi was the second oldest brother and a doctor by profession.

"Nah, you're ten times worse than Prithvi. And you call me stubborn. Hypocritical." He rolled his eyes.

Rudra never once chided him for addressing Prithvi like his equivalent. They were more like twins because of a year's difference between them.

His eyes glazed over as he turned the left about water in glass, subconsciously elsewhere.

"Where are you Ganga?"

"Where are you Ganga?"

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