Episode 19

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Someone tiptoed across stillness. Padded footsteps creeped on carpet.

Bhavani in comfy sheets, back to the stalker, scrunched up his nose in distaste. Woodsy muskiness mingled in air conditioned room, lively warmth emanating before him.

"You aren't asleep."

He cracked open an eye to one hundred and one percent confirm his offender. He lunged out of bed to hit him until—

"—Not on my face."

He jabbed on his solar plexus, stealing his breath as Rudra almost doubled over. "T-that was o-one good hit," It was a breathless wince.

"Fuck you," He snarled and grabbed him down by his dark collar before tossing him on bed. "You cannot mess with my family," Hands roughly grabbing sturdy jaw, he listed, "you can not mess with my sisters, my father or anyone I love."

The sweaty head bobbed in affirmation, dark eyes shut closed with creased corners, jaw clenched as he inhaled large but controlled puffs of air. Witnessing his struggle Bhavani blinked off the anger. He had gone too far in his infuriated haze. He gulped as he subconsciously massaged his coarse stubble, its ends tingling his palm. Tender eyes were full of guilt before determination settled in them. "You can't hurt yourself."

Endless orbs of darkness snapped open.

His heart thrummed in his ears, blood turned hot and legs shook. It was everything he wanted, to be this close to the coffee scented owner and...indulge.

There were a hundred accusatory questions swarming in the overpowering gaze captivating him on spot. He wanted to kiss those firm lips, taste the addictive adrenaline on them.


The warning breathed on his lips. Bhavani realised how he was hunched over, his knees bending at an awkward angle, faces merely inches apart. He searched his face for something he himself was unaware of. "Let this sadness out...it's eating you alive."

A dismal look crossed Rudra.

Bhavani lowered down beside him, holding his gaze. His thumbs gently rubbed soothing circles along his neck. "Whatever this is, whatever, let it out of your soul before it kills you with its burden. There's only so much you can carry."

A very thin layer of tears filmed over otherwise reserved eyes, impossible to be realised if not for their intimate distance. "How do you know?" His broken voice crumbled him more than his own sorrows could.

He shrugged in nonchalance, though his sullen eyes betrayed him. "I lost my mother, I know how it is to lose someone you hold dear, to, to wish them back." He looked down before hiding his face between his palms. There was the familiar dry nuisance in his eyes. He wanted to sleep it off than babbling whatever came across his head. He removed his hands.

There was a sigh. "I wish I'd let it all out."

He looked over his exhausted frame. For how long he had been carrying this bone crushing burden?

"You can do it," He murmured in a raspy voice.

Rudra smirked full of bitterness. "You won't look at me the same way."

He straightened, stern eyes and pursed lips. "I will, if only you'll give me a chance."

Rudra averted his gaze to the small couch across them. "No one's that kind hearted or understanding," Their eyes locked again, "no one is. We are selfish and manipulative beings."

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