Episode 22

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Rudra was in his room. Agitated, he grumbled to himself while pacing to and fro. It was time to strengthen security to further level.

He texted one code. "DS."

The reply was immediate. "Confirmed."

He exhaled. It was a secret code between him and a very trusted man.

Vikram escaped his figurative fuming when he had stormed in pissed off. Alone, he had too much on his plate to care about his appearances while he ruffled his hair. A distraction would be highly appreciated.

The door across him pushed open without knocking.

Only a few could possess such leniency. 


Bhavani tentatively stepped inside before closing the door behind him. "Uhm on brighter side," Hopeful eyes blinked, "he warned of danger and not demise. We can handle it," An awkward smile. "See, the difference?"

He stared, unamused. What a good fucking way of cheering me up.."Get out," He ordered, eyes pointing towards the door.

Bhavani sighed and walked to him closer. "You need to relax. Nothing can harm me without Devi's will," He assured him, eyes full of bravery.

He looked away. The mere imagery of danger grazing past Bhavani was a personal nightmare unsettling him. How was he supposed to relax?

He looked back at the said man.

Bhavani was tracing red satin curtains of the four poster bed, twisted and rolled up at sides. "Wow...you've a canopy themed bed, my sister's favourite." An impressed face was beaming in radiance. Dark brown eyes found him again. 

"What about you?" He blurted out his subconscious. He wanted to know about him more and more.

"I do. It gives privacy and..."

"Sanctuary?" He prompted.

Instead of agreeing, Bhavani regarded him for a good long minute before approaching him. "Your actions speak louder than words."

He frowned. "And?"

Head cocked to the side, he smiled, a type of nonverbal retort. "Nothing. You're an expert at faking obliviousness."

He looked away. "Care is not love."

Bhavani gave an outsmarting look of interest. "Really? Thank you. I want to know enlightened sage, what is love then, hm? If care and mutual respect is not love then what is love?...Or you agree to twenty first century dating standards, where let us share our souls, let us have sex, let us do everything together but we aren't a couple yet."

He scoffed. "Don't pour your frustration on me."

"What frustration?"

"Of rejection." His nostrils flared in irritation. "You purposefully find ways to poke me. Here a threat is looming over you but you need to mock me now. Seriously?" He was exasperated. This man was out of ordinary human comprehension.

"Then what should I be doing then? Go please save me! and scream bloody mary? Nope. I've better stuff to do, such as, exploring Jaipur for today."

"No." The end of discussion.

"Why not?"

Why not?? Provoked, he grabbed his arm to pull him closer. "Listen carefully. You will NOT step a foot outside these palace walls for the rest of your time being here." He sternly dictated his decision, almost shaking him.

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