"The Demon's Game"

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Alex, Chris, and Emily were three friends who had grown up together in a small town. They were inseparable, and they loved to explore the woods and abandoned buildings near their homes.

One day, the three friends were exploring a construction site when they found an old box in a dusty corner. The box was made of wood and had a strange symbol carved into the lid.

The friends opened the box and found a game inside. The game was called "The Devil's Dice," and it was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

The game board was made of bone, and the dice were carved from obsidian. The rules of the game were simple: roll the dice and try to avoid landing on the devil's number, six. If you land on six, you lose your soul.

Alex, Chris, and Emily were excited to try the game. They gathered around the game board and began to play.

Alex rolled the dice first. He landed on a three.

Chris rolled next. He landed on a five.

Emily rolled last. She landed on a six.

The air in the room grew cold. Emily felt a chill run down her spine.

Alex and Chris looked at Emily in shock. "Did you land on six?" Alex asked.

Emily nodded.

"You lose your soul," Chris said.

Emily laughed nervously. "It's just a game," she said.

But then, Emily felt something strange happening to her. Her body started to shake, and her eyes turned black.

"Emily?" Alex said. "Are you okay?"

Emily didn't answer. She just stared at Alex and Chris with a cold, dead stare.

Alex and Chris realized that Emily was possessed by a demon. They tried to run, but the demon was too powerful. It grabbed them and held them in place.

The demon opened its mouth and let out a blood-curdling scream. The sound echoed through the construction site.

The next day, the police arrived at the construction site. They found Alex and Chris's bodies, but Emily was nowhere to be found.

The police investigated the deaths, but they couldn't find any leads. The case remained unsolved.

But the people in the town knew what had happened. They knew that Emily had been possessed by a demon, and that she had killed Alex and Chris.

And they knew that the demon was still out there, waiting for its next victim.

Years later, Emily was a successful lawyer living in a big city. She had tried to forget about what had happened at the construction site, but the memories still haunted her.

One day, Emily received a mysterious package in the mail. The package contained a black box, just like the one she had found at the construction site.

Emily opened the box and found a note inside. The note said:

"I'm coming back, Emily. And this time, you can't escape."

Emily knew that the note was from the demon. She was terrified, but she knew that she had to face it.

Emily went to the police, but they didn't believe her story. They thought she was having a mental breakdown.

Emily was on her own. She knew that she had to find a way to defeat the demon, but she didn't know how.

Emily started to research demonic possession. She learned that there were a few ways to exorcise a demon, but they were all dangerous.

Emily decided to try one of the exorcism rituals. She gathered the necessary ingredients and set up a ritual circle in her apartment.

Emily stood in the center of the circle and began to chant the exorcism incantation. The air in the room grew cold, and the wind started to howl outside.

The demon appeared in front of Emily. It was tall and gaunt, with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth.

"Emily," the demon said. "It's so good to see you again."

Emily looked at the demon without fear. "I'm not afraid of you," she said. "I'm going to exorcise you."

The demon laughed. "You can't exorcise me," it said. "I'm too powerful."

Emily closed her eyes and continued to chant the exorcism incantation. The demon screamed in pain.

Emily opened her eyes and saw that the demon was starting to fade away.

"No!" the demon screamed. "I won't go!"

Emily smiled. "Yes, you will," she said.

The demon disappeared in a puff of smoke. Emily had exorcised it.

Emily was finally free. She had defeated the demon and avenged her friends.

Or did she, well they say evil never really does what for you think happened....

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