"The Spirit Calling Ritual"

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Cathy was a curious girl. She loved to read about the supernatural and explore abandoned places. One day, she heard about an old house on the edge of town that was rumored to be haunted.

Cathy decided to investigate the house. She packed a flashlight and some snacks, and set off on her adventure.

When she arrived at the house, she was struck by its eeriness. The windows were boarded up and the paint was peeling. The house looked like it had been abandoned for years.

Cathy took a deep breath and broke through a boarded-up window. She entered the house and cautiously made her way through the dark and dusty rooms.

She found a living room, a kitchen, and several bedrooms. The furniture was covered in sheets, and the air was thick with the smell of mildew.

Cathy decided to explore the upstairs bedrooms. She climbed the stairs and slowly opened the door to the first bedroom.

The room was dark, but Cathy could see a figure lying on the bed. She crept closer and gasped in horror.

It was a young woman, dressed in a white nightgown. Her hair was long and black, and her skin was pale as death.

Cathy screamed and backed away. She turned and ran out of the room.

She ran down the stairs and out of the house. She didn't stop running until she reached the edge of town.

Cathy never went back to the house, but she never forgot what she had seen. She knew that she had encountered a ghost.

Cathy was exploring the living room when she heard a noise behind her. She turned around and saw a dark figure standing in the doorway.

Cathy screamed and ran out of the room. She didn't look back.

Cathy was running down the stairs when she tripped and fell. She landed on her hands and knees, and looked up.

She saw a pair of glowing red eyes staring at her from the darkness.

Cathy screamed and scrambled to her feet. She ran out of the house and didn't stop running until she reached the edge of town.


Cathy grew up and had a family of her own. She never forgot the ghost she saw in the old house.

One night, Cathy was putting her children to bed when she heard a noise downstairs. She went to investigate, and found the front door open.

Cathy called out to her husband, but there was no answer. She went into the living room and looked around.

Everything was gone. The furniture, the TV, the pictures on the walls. It was as if the house had been emptied overnight.

Cathy heard a noise behind her and turned around. She saw the ghost of the young woman standing in the doorway.

The ghost smiled and waved. Then, it turned and walked away.

Cathy watched the ghost disappear into the darkness. She knew that she would never forget the spirit calling ritual.

**Extended Epilogue:**

Cathy was traumatized by her experience at the old house. She had nightmares about the ghost for weeks. She also started to see and hear things that weren't there.

Cathy's husband and children were worried about her. They tried to get her to see a therapist, but she refused. She was too ashamed to admit what had happened.

One night, Cathy was putting her children to bed when she heard a noise in the attic. She went to investigate, and found the ghost of the young woman standing in the corner.

The ghost smiled at Cathy and said, "It's time."

Cathy screamed and ran out of the attic. She went downstairs and grabbed her children. She then ran out of the house and into the night.

Cathy and her children never looked back. They moved to a new town and started a new life.

But Cathy knew that the ghost would never truly leave her. It was a part of her now.

And she knew that one day, the ghost would come back to claim her.

Hope you liked the story...

Stay Spooked 👻

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