"The Inheritance "

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The Johnson family was an ordinary family, living an ordinary life. They had two sons, Michael and David, who were both in their early teens.

One day, the Johnsons received a letter informing them that they had inherited a large house from a distant relative. The house was located in a remote area, and the Johnsons had never met the relative who had left it to them.

The Johnsons were excited about their inheritance, and they quickly moved into the new house.

However, they soon realized that something was wrong. The house was old and creaky, and there were strange noises at night.

At first, the Johnsons tried to ignore the noises, but they soon became more and more frequent.

One night, Michael and David were awakened by a loud crash. They went downstairs to investigate, and they found that a vase had been knocked off the mantelpiece.

The next day, the Johnsons found that all of the doors in the house had been left open overnight.

The Johnsons were starting to get scared. They didn't know what was happening in their house, but they knew that it wasn't good.

They tried to talk to their parents about it, but their parents didn't believe them. They thought that the boys were just imagining things.

One night, Michael was awakened by a cold hand on his face. He opened his eyes and saw a pale, gaunt figure standing over him.

The figure had long, black hair and glowing red eyes. Michael screamed, and the figure disappeared.

The next day, Michael told his parents about what had happened, but they still didn't believe him. They told him that he must have been having a bad dream.

That night, David was awakened by a loud noise coming from the attic. He went upstairs to investigate, and he found that the attic door was open.

David cautiously entered the attic, and he saw a dark figure standing in the corner. The figure turned to look at David, and he saw that it had glowing red eyes.

David screamed and ran out of the attic. He told his parents about what he had seen, but they still didn't believe him. They told him that he must have been imagining things.

The Johnsons were now terrified. They didn't know what to do. They couldn't stay in the house any longer, but they didn't have anywhere else to go.

One night, the Johnsons were awakened by a loud noise downstairs. They went down to investigate, and they found that all of the doors and windows in the house had been locked. The Johnsons were trapped.

Suddenly, the lights went out, and the house was plunged into darkness.

The Johnsons could hear footsteps moving around the house, but they couldn't see anything.

The Johnsons were now terrified. They huddled together in the living room, too scared to move.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, and the house fell silent. The Johnsons waited for what felt like hours, but nothing happened.

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