Chapter 4

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"Uncle Li!" Ding Luo shouted and rushed towards Uncle Li who was hunting insects not far away.

When Ding Luo woke up early in the morning, he was about to brush his teeth. When he squatted down, he accidentally saw his exposed wrist and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He took a closer look and saw that the previously translucent insect eggs on his wrist were gone, leaving only the soft and fallen skin.

He was so surprised that his toothbrush and mouthwash cup fell to the ground, and he immediately rolled up his sleeves and checked his arms.

You read that right, the eggs are gone.

He lifted up his clothes again. The insect eggs on his chest and stomach seemed to be gone?

This discovery shocked him.

"Uncle Li! Look, the insect eggs on my body are gone!"

Uncle Li had already gotten up and was hunting insects not far away. He ran over when he heard the sound.

He looked carefully at Ding Luo's exposed arms and belly. It turned out that the insect eggs were protruding from the surface of the skin. Now the eggs were indeed gone. The skin on Ding Luo's body was not in the state of bleeding after the eggs matured and broke. It was just covered with blood. A shrinking shape that expands and then collapses.

Uncle Li looked in disbelief. He was afraid that all the bugs had hatched and entered Ding Luo's body. He quickly asked Ding Luo: "Do you feel anything else in your body? Is there any pain?" "Nothing," Ding Luo said

. He shook his head, paused, and said, "Oh, no, yes."

"What?" Uncle Li asked nervously.

Ding Luo was confused and said hesitantly: "I seem to have stopped feeling dizzy? Is my body very...relaxed?"

Ding Luo was a little dizzy yesterday because the virus started to invade his brain. Logically speaking, he will be even more dizzy today. That's right.

"No more faint? No pain?"


Uncle Li couldn't understand, "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Ding Luo shook his head.

He himself was confused. After sleeping and waking up, suddenly the eggs were gone? Your body still feels relaxed?

Looks like it's getting better?

But they knew in their hearts that no one had ever survived.

The two of them didn't know what this change meant, whether it was good or bad. They were unsure and panicked.

Ding Luo panicked with a little hope, "Uncle Li, do you think this is...a good situation?"

Uncle Li didn't know either: "...not sure, I've never heard of this situation before."

Infected by bugs People who basically either have the insect eggs broken out of their bodies are dealt with by the military, or they drink the euthanasia medicine prepared by the military on the seventh day, or they jump into the furnace. Anyway, the ending is the same. the same.

Ding Luo looked at Uncle Li's neck. The insect eggs on his body did not change like him. Instead, as time went by, the insect eggs had covered the entire neck.

Only you are like this.

How is this going?

Uncle Li thought for two seconds and asked: "Have you awakened any special powers?"

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