Chapter 7

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A soldier with green skin and bulging eyes sitting in the back row raised his right hand.

Lu Ting raised his hand to signal him.

"Major General Lu," the soldier infected by the mutated frog asked, "the comrade you mentioned whose eggs disappeared, is he... well?" As soon as this question came out, everyone present looked at Lu Ting

. , the infected, the soldiers who sent people over, the soldiers who managed the concentration camp, and Xiao Lin, the cook who delivered meals.

Including the two commanders of the 6th and 7th bases, they all looked at him.

Lu Ting replied in a deep voice: "He is currently undergoing a comprehensive examination at the treatment center. The results have not yet come out, but the eggs on his body are indeed gone, and the headache symptoms are gone." Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they felt in their hearts

. The hope has increased by one point.

Another soldier asked: "Major General Lu, can that special power person cure the infected?"

Everyone's eyes were burning and they looked at Lu Ting.

Lu Ting did not hide anything from them and replied: "It's not sure yet. We haven't got the final result yet. This is also the purpose of calling everyone here." Everyone had suspicions in their minds


Sure enough, they heard Lu Ting say: "We have summoned the infected people from four bases on the sixth and seventh days to ask for your opinions. We have prepared the food. Are you willing to take a gamble?"

Six The thirteen infected people who were on their sixth day immediately knew the purpose of gathering them.

Because they were on their sixth day and ran out of time.

Major General Lu and the others are also taking a gamble because they haven't gotten the results yet and don't know whether the special superpower can really cure the infected.

But on the sixth day, they may not be able to wait for the results.

This is an opportunity given to them by Major General Lu.

If you win the bet, you can survive.

If they all lose, they will just die about ten hours early.

Moreover, Major General Lu and other comrades had prepared food for them.

A tall warrior covered with hair slapped the table and stood up.

"Bet! You're all going to die anyway, damn it!"

"Me too, maybe if I win, right, I can survive."

"Major General Lu, I'll join too." "

And me! Gua— —"

"I do!"

"Whoever doesn't bet is a fool!"

Hands were raised one after another, and the figures that had been eroded by the virus and became less upright stood up.

All sixty-three agreed.

This was originally expected by Lu Ting. Faced with a certain death outcome, having this opportunity to gamble was a rare gift from God.

Lu Ting raised his hands and pressed down, "Everyone, sit down." The

excited soldiers sat down, their eyes no longer dull and despairing. At this moment, their eyes were all emitting an unusually bright light.

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