Chapter 2 - A Prince's Desire

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Y/n = Your Name

Your Pov

I was chillin' on the couch going through my phone. It was 2:30. Shouldn't Ava be back by now? I thought to myself. I looked outside the glass wall on my right. Standing up, I strutted my way to the window and scanned the area, cocking my eyebrow in a puzzled manner.

Something's up...

I turned expecting to see Johnny but he was nowhere! My expression was one of shock as I saw Johnny's tail leaving the apartment door. I ran to chase Johnny, who was leaping down the stairs. I continued to chase after Johnny. That is until I lost him at the entrance to the apartment building.

God Damn it, Johnny! I mentally screamed, taking off into the crowds of the convention that was taking place that day.

Ava's Pov

"Oh no... Beautiful men," I said under my breath. One of the five men walked up to me. He had medium skin, black hair, and ebony eyes. He had horns that grew from the sides of his head and curved upwards. He also had a golden crown around his left horn. He wore black skin-tight armor, along with a fluffy red and cream robe that was hooked on by a silver clip around his neck. He also had a symbolizing tattoo on his right arm, along with a golden band/bracelet and bandages. On his left arm, he has silver and navy armor on. His belt is red.

The attention to detail on the outfit was amazing. I would have fangirled if it weren't in this situation right now.

"Descend at once." The black-haired male commanded.

"Huh?" I responded. Who the hel-heck puts someone in a tree and then asks them to get down? Look buster! If I could get down, I would have by now!

"De-scend-a." He repeated, this time slower.

"You can drop the medieval role play. I am in no place to participate, AS YOU CAN TELL!" I barked back, narrowing my eyes in anger.

"She's rejecting Prince Asch's request," the green cosplayer commented.

"Wow!" The orange cosplayer added.

"Do not disobey me!" The black-haired cosplayer said, anger slowly seeping into his voice, very much like Y/n when they got mad at me.

"Wow!" I said, annoyance dripping off every syllable, "I don't know what your roleplay is but I'm not into that!"

"Let me try your Majesty," the cosplayer dressed in purple-tinted blue robes said. He then turned his attention to me. "Greetings, it's a pleasure to meet you. Before stands Prince Asch the future king of-" but I interrupted him.

"Wow! You guys are really into this, huh?" I began, "Okay fine, I'll play along." I coughed in an attempt to modify my voice. "Oh, cruel fate! How could a poor maiden like me get stuck in a tree? Oh, I remember-" Then my voice switched back to normal in a snap, "Because your stupid, muscle-bound friend over there put me here, NOW GET ME DOWN BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!"

"SILENCE!" The black-haired male shouted as he raised his hand. I began to feel a strong heat from behind me only to be dropped onto the floor. I got up and turned to the tree I was once on. It was on fire.

"D-did you just?" I slowly turned to the black-haired cosplayer.

"Prince Asch, you should not use magic on such trivial matters," The purple dressed cosplayer said.

O-oh my god... Where's Y/n when you need them?

Your Pov

I.HAVE.BEEN.SEARCHING.FOR.HOURS! Okay, maybe not hours but it felt like it. I couldn't find that damn Johnny cat. That was until I saw the feline going round the corner of the back of the apartment building where Ava and I would take out the trash.

"Ah-ha!" I cheered, running towards the cat. I jumped and grabbed the cat. "Oof!" I shouted, colliding with the ground. Suddenly, I felt six pairs of eyes on me. I looked up only to see five cosplayers and-

"Ava!" I yelled, panicked, "L-look! I was relaxing on the couch and Johnny just sauntered out the door. I promise I won't let him walk off again!" Closing my eyes, I began to ramble but that stopped when I heard gasps from in front of me. I opened my eyes and saw Ava gripping the horns of a black-haired cosplayer. The other cosplayers were shocked – some making comments on the situation. The cosplayer with light blue horns covered the orange-horned cosplayer's face, the orange-horned cosplayer shouting in the process.

My eyes widen as the black-haired male's horns don't come off. I put Johnny on the ground and ran up to Ava's side. I grabbed Ava's arm and started to pull. The horns still didn't come off. I was the first to let go off Ava's arm of course. Ava then let go and said, "They're real..."

"Uh-huh..." I replied, nodding my head slightly.

"How dare you!" The black-haired cosplayer yelled. I was shaking in my sneakers until I heard soft chuckling. I turned to the source and saw Ava; it looked as if shock punched her in the face.

"I knew I should've slept in today," Ava said dizzily, her body swaying slightly. She giggled a little before she fainted, falling straight onto the pavement. I screamed and crouched down to Ava's level. Sighing in relief, I found a pulse.

"You killed it," a voice came from behind me. I stood up angrily.

"No, he didn't," I barked, turning to face the males. "She is just unconscious because she faints when she is surprised at something."

"Now let me make one thing FUCKING clear!" I said, clenching my teeth. "You will go away and not come back! Do you hear me? You have caused us enough trouble." I finished, turning my back to the males while slowly making my way back to Ava. I almost reached Ava when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. Then everything went black.

3rd Pov

"Well, they finally shut up," the green cosplayer commented.

The purple-clothed male announced, "We need to take them with us and establish a base of operations." Then Johnny had begun rubbing his cheek on the black-haired male's leg.

"A spirit," The black-haired male said, looking down at Johnny in wonderment. Johnny then turned and began walking back to Ava's apartment.

"We need to follow it!" The orange cosplayer insisted, "It's bad luck to ignore spirits!"

"Grab the humans and follow the spirit," the black-haired cosplayer demanded, "Our journey to conquer E-Urth is only beginning." Two of the other males followed the black-haired cosplayer as he followed Johnny. The only two that stayed behind were the light-blue-horned cosplayer and the cosplayer dressed in purple robes. The light-blue-horned male picked up Ava and the purple-robed male picked up Y/n. The males then proceeded to trail behind the three male cosplayers. The cosplayers continued to follow Johnny with Y/n and Ava in tow. They followed Johnny into the apartment building and went up the stairs until Johnny stopped at a certain door.

Ava's apartment door...

~~~~~~End of Chapter 2~~~~~~

(A.n: Heyo! It's me again! But wait- *le gasp* Another update??? Yes! I felt bad that all you amazing people read my books but don't get much content so... I did another chapter today! Yes, I had school but I worked on this during the lessons because online schooling is not very interesting. It is kinda shitty so yeah.

Anyway, don't forget to comment on any improvements or things you like about the story. Don't forget to vote and I'll see you next time! Bye~!

Cassie, out!)

Total Words : 1250

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