Chapter 4 - Not Demons... But Daemos?

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Y/N = Your name

(e/c) = Eye Color

Leif Pov

That taller human seemed to be crying? But they were laughing too? Why were they laughing when we have their source of power?

Humans in this world are confusing.

3rd Pov

"Wow," the orange cosplayer said, clearly interested in the garments. The orange cosplayer's reaction only made Y/n laugh harder. "What's that?"

"These humans are sorcerers," Asch announced, handing a magazine to the purple-robed male. "Rhys, here." It was a bra magazine. The so-called Rhys grabbed the magazine and had begun to flip through its pages.

"Fascinating," Rhys said, "It seems like a combat guide. It shows human females engaging in a fierce battle with these garments." Y/n's face was red with laughter; they couldn't believe their ears. A bra magazine as a combat guide? That was not something you hear every day.

"That doesn't look like any form of combat I've seen," Lief commented, unsure of what was happening. Ava had had enough of this crazy talk. She kicked Y/n telling them that she was about to do something. Intrigued, Y/n quickly stood up. Ava, then, threw the frying pan she was holding. Asch sensed something coming from the direction of the pan and turned his head. He had turned it just enough so that the pan would smack him perfectly in the face.

Y/n's expression contorted into an impressed one for a split second before they felt a hand grab theirs. It was Ava. They grasped her hand and dragged her to the door. Halfway to the door, Ava realized what was going on and started to run herself. Ava was screaming as they both attempted to make their way to the exit.

The light-blue-horned cosplayer and the orange cosplayer set off after them. The light-blue-horned male grabbed Ava and held her captive. Meanwhile, Y/n was still sprinting towards the door. They, however, were captured by the orange cosplayer. Ava continued to scream while Y/n tried to find an escape route; their captor's grip was like iron!

"Lief, make peace with them," Rhys ordered. Lief nodded and went to converse with the humans.

"Let's just kill them and-" But Asch was interrupted by Rhys.

"Your Majesty, you said you wanted a prisoner, an informant if I recall," Rhys reasoned.

"Firstly, there are two - we only need one. We can kill off the other one if need be." Asch clarified, "Secondly, these ones are too powerful of sorcerers. The small one is annoying too."

"True, but that could work in our favor." Rhys countered. "Realistically, we'll go through this kind of resistance with every other human we encounter. Just let Lief work his charm."

Lief approached Ava first. "It's okay, calm down. We're not going to hurt you." Ava continued to scream; Y/n struggled to find a way out of their captor's hold. "Hey, hey, hey! Look at me," Lief said as Ava turned her attention to him. Then he smiled, showing off his sharp, dagger-like teeth.

"AH! HE'S GOT TEETH!" Ava hollered, her volume increasing to a new maximum.

"AVA!" Y/n shouted, putting all their strength into getting out of their captor's grip so they could save Ava. "Let me go! I'll rip your heads off if you even DARE to hurt her!" The cosplayers looked at them; their expressions clearly showed that they were shocked at how vicious they got.

"Lief, try and calm that human down," Rhys said before turning his attention to the light-blue-horned male, "Pierce, she's going to alert the other E-Urth residents. Calm her down now." The so-called Pierce put his hand on Ava's mouth, muffling her screams.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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A Sorcerer?? Spellcaster? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Gn!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now