Chapter 1 - Taking Care of Johnny

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(h/l) = Hair Length

(h/c) = Hair Color

Y/n = (for newbies) Your Name

Y/n Pov

"Maybe you'll win next time, Y/n!" a young boy (the age of 5 at the least) said, extending his hand out to me. My hand grasped his, only to grip his entire arm with both hands. The boy's expression showed pure shock as I swiftly stood up, turned in the opposite direction and, with all my strength, threw him to the ground making him collide with a harsh-


My giggle quickly turned to immense laughter as the boy slowly sat up, rubbing his head and grunting at the pain. Laughter and chuckling erupted from my left and right. Three other boys walked up to us. One of them patted my back without saying anything except for giving me a soft smile, another congratulated me on my win while the third helped the boy that I threw back to his feet.

"I must say you are getting better," one commented, slowly closing the notebook he had been taking notes in.

"Yes." Another said, pulling his hand away from my back.

"Y/n! You are so cool!" The third boy said, sparkles in his eyes. The boy I threw looked at me, smirking and nodding in agreement.

"T-thanks guys," I said, slightly flustered at the comments the boys were throwing my way. The boys then exchanged looks - the emotion was something I could not pinpoint - before looking back at me. At this sudden attention, I stuttered out a question, "W-w-what?"

"Promise you won't leave us. Promise you will teach us how to be expressive like you." The boy with the notebook said plainly as if it was something simple.


"Just Promise Us," the boy said again, putting one of his hands in front of me. The other boys did the same, putting one of their hands in front of me, making their hands touch in a star-like formation. I smile.

"I promise," I said, putting my hand forward, completing the star-like formation. Suddenly, the figures of the boys turned to dust and blew away in the wind. The ground began to shake and the trees snapped perfectly in half.

Crack! Crack!

I looked down. The ground was cracking but fear took hold of my body so I couldn't move my legs. I began to hopelessly cry for help.

"Help! Please!" I shouted. The ground was cracking faster.

"Please! Any d-" But I was interrupted by my own scream as I fell through the crack in the ground.

"Y/n!" Four voices shouted. I could see the light of my home fading. I knew this was my end. So I accepted it. I accepted my fate.

My eyes stayed open, watching the light diminish. Abruptly, my head hit a cliff ledg-

"Gah!" I yelled, quickly sitting up in bed. I put my hand to my forehead only to feel a sheet of sweat on top of it. I sighed, "Just a dream..." I rubbed my eyelids, that concealed my (e/c) eyes, in an attempt to reduce any form of fatigue from my body.

I threw my legs off the side of the bed and stood up, wobbling - still dizzy from the dream. I dragged myself to my bathroom and did my daily routine.

Waddling to the kitchen, I made myself some pancakes. (Comment: What is your ideal breakfast?)

 (Comment: What is your ideal breakfast?)

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