Single Mother

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y/n:"Isn't it good to come out and go for a walk in the park sometimes?"My best friend y/n asked me while we were both walking through the park

J:"Yep it is" I said smiling, looking at him carrying my seven months old daughter Stella... yeah I am a mum, but a single mum. When I was in school a guy got me drunk at a party and we had a one night stand. He got me pregnant but he didn't want to take the responsibility of the kid, so I was left alone with an unborn baby.

I've thought of aborting the baby but I didn't have the heart to do so, so I decided to keep the child and my best friend y/n helped me.

Y/n has been my best friend since childhood, we grew up together, when I told him my decision to keep the baby he supported my decision and helped me, he even made me move to his penthouse because my apartment was too small to raise a child in. He was there for me during all of my hard times, he helped me in everything, even when Stella wasn't born he started to treat her like his own daughter he used to talk to my baby bump and feel her kicks.

Y/n is the Ceo of Jeon Enterprises, his parents died in a car accident a few years ago, so like he was there for me I was there for him. He has seen all the stages of my pregnancy and even when I was giving birth to my daughter he was there with me. After she was born he treated her like his own daughter, and to be honest I fell in love with him, but I'm scared to tell him because I don't want to ruin our friendship and also because I'm not sure if he would like to date a single mother.

J:"y/n it's getting late, so can we go home?" I asked him, he nodded and we both started walking towards our home. While we were walking, suddenly my daughter started crying. I took her from his arms and tried to calm her down but it wasn't working so y/n took her from me and started rocking her in his arms while talking sweetly to her, after a few minutes when Stella heard his voice she calmed down. I smiled at them, I'm glad to see that they both get along well like a real father and daughter.

After a while we reached home.

J:"I'm really glad you and Stella get along well" I said and kissed Stella's head while she was giggling on y/n's shoulder.

y/n:"Of course we do, she is my daughter after all" he said making a weird face making me burst out laughing

J:"Ok ok stop making those faces, you look like a weird dork" I said laughing while he pouted

y/n:"I'm cute not weird"

J:"Ok fine you're the cutest guy that ever existed on this planet"

y/n:"I know" We both laughed and went to the living room, he plopped himself right on the couch with Stella still in his arms, he was playing with Stella on his lap while I was watching them with a small smile on my face.

After a while I got up

J:"y/n/n I'm going to make dinner, keep an eye on Stella okay?"

y/n:"Of course, my baby likes to play with me, right princess?" He asked my daughter while snuggling on her chest, making her laugh. I nodded and went to the kitchen after changing my clothes to start making dinner. While I was making dinner I kept hearing y/n's and my daughter's giggles, it was making my heart melt to see how much y/n loved Stella. While cooking I also prepared Stella's milk bottle and I was about to go to the living room when I heard something, I hid behind the door and listened to what y/n was saying.

y/n:"Stella, baby you will soon turn eight months old, don't you think you should start to say some words?" He asked while Stella just kept giggling making him laugh too as he continued

y/n:"Your mummy is in the kitchen, why don't we start now? Stella try to say dada" He said, making me smile, I just wanted to go and hug him tightly but I just kept listening to what he was saying.

y/n:"You know, your mummy is everything to me, from the day she came into my life, it became better and everything became perfect for me. And after you were born I felt complete, I may not be your real father, but I love you like one, I don't know if your mum feel that way towards me too but I do love you and I can't live without you two, I want your mum to be more than best friend with me but I'm scared, what if she doesn't feel the same way towards me? Aish what am I doing? Talking to a little kid who can't even understand what I'm saying and is playing on my lap" He said and looked down to Stella who was sitting on his lap and playing with buttons on his shirt. Right now I'm feeling like the happiest person the earth because now I know that he has feelings for me too, so I think I will confess tonight

y/n:"Hey baby look at me and try to say dada say dada"

S:"Ahhah" I muffled a laugh as y/n pouted

y/n:"I guess it's too early for you to understand"

J:"Stella, mummy is here, come here baby, let's get your tummy filled, and what were you talking about y/n/n?" I asked him pretending to not know what he was talking about

y/n:"Oh nothing I was just talking to my princess, right baby?"

J:"Ok now give me my baby and I will feed her" He nodded and gave me Stella then he went to his room to get changed while I started feeding Stella.

After I finished feeding her I carefully put her inside the crib and went to y/n's room to call him for dinner but when I went to his room my heart broke at the sight of him sobbing

J:"y-y/n?" When he heard me he hurriedly wiped his tears and forced a smile but his eyes were red and puffy

y/n:"Yeah? Did Stella sleep?" I nodded he then get up and was about to leave the room but I grabbed his wrist to prevent him from moving

y/n:"Jen let's go to eat"

I didn't respond, instead I hugged him tightly leaning my head on his chest and he slowly hugged me back

y/n:"Nini what happened? Are you okay?"

J:"I should be the one that's asking you that y/n, why were you crying?"

y/n:"I'm just scared that it'll ruin our friendship"

J:"What would ruin our friendship?"

y/n:"My feelings for you" My heart started beating faster when I heard what he just said

J:"Y-your f-feelings?"

y/n:"Yes, my feelings Jen, I'm in love with you and I'm scared that you won't feel the same and I can't bear losing you and Stella, I need you both in my life" After I heard what he told me I couldn't help but to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, he was shocked at first but then he slowly wrapped around my waist and started kissing me back. I could feel both our hearts beating loudly, after a while we broke the kiss

J:"I love you too y/n/n"

y/n:"W-what?" He had a surprised face

J:"I love you, you were there for me when no one else was there, you took care of me and Stella when you didn't have to, you love Stella as your own when she isn't even yours, how do you expect me to not fall for you?"

y/n:" I love you Jennie, I love you and Stella so much, you are my everything, will you be my girlfriend?"

J:"I would love to y/n/n" I sadi and pecked his lips again, then we suddenly heard cries from the living room I went there and took Stella into my arms and started rocking her back and forth when I felt y/n wrapping his arms around my waist from behind I smiled and leaned onto him with my daughter still in my arms, he kissed Stella's forehead and my head

y/n"My life is perfect now"

J:"Mine is perfect too, I feel complete. I love you"

y/n:"I love you more".

y/n:"I love you more"

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