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The sun was shining brightly as Jeon y/n walked along the sandy beach, his feet sinking into the soft, warm sand with each step. The ocean breeze gently tousled his hair, carrying with it the salty tang of the sea and the sweet scent of nearby flowers. Life was good, he thought to himself. At least, it was until he felt a sharp pain in his side, forcing him to stop and double over in agony.He had been feeling unwell for a while now, ever since he'd been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that gave him only a five percent chance of survival. But even as his body betrayed him, he found himself feeling strangely at peace. There was something he needed to do first.Y/n forced himself to stand upright again, taking deep breaths to steady his nerves. He knew this was going to be difficult, but it had to be done. With determination in his heart, he began to make his way towards the nearby park where he knew Jennie Kim, his girlfriend, would be spending the afternoon.As he walked, he couldn't help but remember the day they had met, the way her laugh had filled the room, the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled at him. But he also remembered the arguments, the distance that seemed to grow between them, the feeling that something was missing. He knew that he couldn't keep holding onto this charade any longer.When he finally spotted Jennie sitting on a park bench, reading a book, he took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to approach her. "Hey," he said softly, his voice barely audible above the chirping of the birds. She looked up from her book, a small frown forming on her face. "Y/N, what's wrong? You look terrible.""Jen, I need to talk to you," he said, taking a seat beside her on the bench. He couldn't meet her gaze; he felt guilty, like he was about to break her heart. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while now."Jennie's heart skipped a beat. She knew something was wrong. "What is it, y/n?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "You're scaring me."He took a deep breath and forced himself to look her in the eye. "Jennie, let's break up ."What?" she exclaimed, her face a mask of shock and disbelief. "You can't mean that."He nodded slowly, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he finally said the words out loud. "I'm sorry, Jennie. I don't want you to think that I'm not grateful for everything we had, for the time we spent together. But I've come to realize that... I don't love you anymore. I haven't for a while now."Jennie stared at him in disbelief, her eyes filling with tears. "But why? When did this happen?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "We were so happy, we had plans... I thought we were in love."Y/N winced at the pain in her voice, hating himself for causing her so much hurt. "I'm sorry, Jennie. I wish I knew how to explain it better. It just sort of... happened. I can't force myself to feel something I don't anymore."Jennie wiped away her tears, trying to compose herself. "But why?"I don't know, Jennie," y/n answered honestly. "Things just changed. Maybe it was the distance, or maybe it was just us growing apart. I can't explain it any better than that." He reached out to gently take her hand, but she pulled it away, her face flushing with anger and hurt."You're making a mistake, y/n," she said, her voice shaking. "I love you, and I know that we can work through this. We can go to couples counseling, or see other people, or just spend more time together. We can make it better."He looked into her eyes, wanting so badly to believe her, but knowing that it was already too late. "I wish I could believe that, Jennie. But I can't. I just don't feel the same way anymore."She stared at him for a long moment, the anger and hurt in her eyes slowly giving way to resignation. "I guess I understand," she said softly, her voice barely audible above the birdsong. "It's just... I thought we were going to be together forever."Y/N's heart ached at the pain in her voice, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything that might make it worse. He simply nodded, wishing he could take away her hurt. After a while, Jennie stood up, wiping the remaining tears from her cheeks."Well, I guess this is it then," she said, her voice sounding distant even to her own ears.Y/N nodded, unable to find the words to respond. He wanted to comfort her, to make her feel better, but he knew that there was nothing he could say or do that would change the way she felt.As Jennie began to walk away, Y/N called out to her, his voice barely audible over the sound of the breeze rustling through the leaves. "Jennie, wait." She paused, turning around slowly, her expression guarded. "I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you. I wish things could have been different."She studied his face, searching for some sign that he was being sincere. "I wish that too," she finally replied, her voice trembling. "But it's too late now." With a deep breath, she turned back around and continued on her way, leaving Y/N alone on the bench.After five years Jennie was standing in front of Jeon Enterprises she was about to get interviewed for a job as a secretary. She was nervous but she knew she was qualified for the job. The sky was cloudy and it was drizzling, but she didn't let that dampen her spirits.As she waited in the lobby, she couldn't help but think about her past relationship with y/n. She wondered if he was still happy, if he had found someone new. She wished him well, even though it was hard for her to let go of the feelings she still harbored for him.The receptionist called her name, and she composed herself before following her down the hall to the interview room. The room was spacious and decorated with tasteful artwork on the walls. There was a large mahogany table in the center, surrounded by comfortable chairs. And for Jennie's surprise behind the desk was sitting the ceo Jeon y/n her ex-boyfriend. He didn't seem to notice her at first, as he was engrossed in some papers. His features were familiar, yet different. He looked more confident and successful than the last time she saw him.Jennie took a deep breath and tried to focus on the interview. The CEO asked her several questions about her experience and skills, and she answered confidently. She could feel his gaze on her from time to time, but she didn't meet his eyes. It was hard not to feel a twinge of pain when she thought about how things ended between them, but she knew she had to put that aside for now.As the interview came to an end, the CEO thanked her for coming in and said he would be in touch with her decision. Jennie thanked him and left the room, her heart racing. She exited the building and took a deep breath of the fresh air, trying to calm herself down. It was only then that she realized y/n had followed her out."Jennnie can we talk?"Jennie turned around, surprised to see him following her. "I... I don't know what to say, Y/N. I mean, I appreciate you giving me the chance to talk to you, but I don't think there's anything left to say."He looked at her intently, his expression unreadable. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way things ended between us. I never meant to hurt you."Jennie didn't listent to him and just walked away.She started her new job at jeon enterprises and she was really good at it she made friends with some of the coworkers and she was always on her toes when it came to doing her job. She always thought about her past with y/n but she knew that she couldn't change what happened He still tried to talk to her about them but she never let him talk about it.One day when she was at her apartment it was her day off, but her collegue Jisoo hs asked her if she could go to the office and give some files to y/n because she was not feeling well. She sighed but agreed. She walked to the office and went straight to y/n's office. She knocked on the door and when she got no reply she just opened it. She saw that y/n was standing near the window looking out of the window his back facing her, and he was in a call. She heard him"I know hyung, I tried talking to her, but she won't let me. I don't even know if she will believe me. Like would you believe me if I broke up with you saying I fell out of love with you but after five years I tell you that I broke up with you because I was suffering from a cancer and I had 5% probability of surviving?"Jennie stood there for a moment, frozen. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her heart was racing and her stomach felt like it was full of knots. She slowly walked closer to y/n's voice, until she could see him. He was still facing away from her, his back to the door. She could see his shoulders rising and falling as he took a deep breath.She couldn't bring herself to interrupt him. Instead, she leaned against the door frame, trying to process what he had just said. He was suffering from cancer? He had a five percent chance of survival? She felt guilty for not knowing, for not being there for him. But at the same time, she felt angry. Angry that he had kept this from her, angry that he had lied to her about not wanting to be with her.Y/N's voice grew quiet, and she could hear him sniffle. She wanted to comfort him, to hold him and tell him everything would be alright. But she couldn't. Not yet. Instead, she stayed where she was, watching his back as he fought back tears."Maybe I should let her go and move on"Jennie couldn't help but feel a pang in her chest hearing him say that. She wanted to tell him that she never stopped loving him, that she had been hurt and confused, but she couldn't find the words. She watched as he wiped away a tear that had escaped down his cheek."I don't know, hyung. ." Y/N sighed heavily, his voice breaking. "I still miss her, and I can't help but wonder what might have been if things had been different."Jennie felt a lump form in her throat as she listened to him. She wanted nothing more than to go to him, to hold him and tell him everything would be alright. But she stayed where she was, watching him from a distance."Jeez, I'm sorry man. I wish I could say something that'd make it all better, but..." The voice on the other end trailed off, and Jennie could only imagine the expression on y/n's face. He looked so alone, so vulnerable.She wanted to go to him, to comfort him and tell him that everything would be alright. But she couldn't move, couldn't force herself to break the silence. Instead, she stayed there, watching him from afar. Her heart ached for him, and she felt guilty for not being there for him when he needed her most.As y/n turned around, finally facing her, she saw the tears streaming down his face. His eyes were red and puffy, and his lips were quivering. She wanted to reach out to him, to hold him and tell him that it would be okay, but she couldn't find the words.He wiped away the tears with the back of his hand, clearing his throat before speaking. "I'm sorry, Jennie. I didn't want you to find out this way. I just... I didn't want you to think I was weak or that I was giving up." His voice was barely audible, and she could see the pain etched into his features.Jennie felt her heart ache even more as she took a tentative step forward. She walked up to him, carefully wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. She could feel his body tense at first, but then slowly relax as he wrapped his arms around her as well. She didn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt his thoughts or add more pressure to the situation. Instead, she just held him, allowing him to lean on her for support.They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity. The silence between them wasn't awkward or uncomfortable; it was simply the way things were now. Jennie knew that she couldn't change the past, and she wasn't sure if their relationship could ever go back to what it once was. But for now, she was content just being there for him, holding him and letting him know that she cared.Y/N took a deep breath, wiping away another tear that had escaped down his cheek. "I'm sorry, Jennie. For everything. For not being honest with you, for not trusting you enough to be by my side. I should have known better." His voice was raw and hoarse, but there was a note of sincerity in it that made her heart ache even more.She squeezed him tighter, not wanting to let go. "It's okay, y/n. We'll figure this out together. We always have." Her words were soft, barely above a whisper, but they held a strength and determination that gave him hope.He leaned back slightly, looking into her eyes. Despite the redness and puffiness, they still held the same sparkle he had always loved. "I know we can, Jennie. I just wish things could have been different."She smiled softly at him, wiping away another tear that had escaped down his cheek. "They will be, y/n. I promise." Her words were filled with a quiet confidence that he hadn't felt in a long time.He studied her face, searching for any sign of doubt or uncertainty. But all he saw was her beautiful, genuine smile. It was then that he realized that maybe, just maybe, things weren't as hopeless as they had seemed before. Maybe they could find their way back to each other, to the love and support they had once shared."Thank you, Jennie," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of their ragged breathing. "For being here for me, for believing in me. I don't know what I'd do without you."As they stood there in the silence, Jennie could feel the weight of his words settling into her chest. She knew that their relationship had been through so much, and she wasn't sure if they could make it through this latest trial. But she also knew that she wouldn't give up on him, no matter what.She wrapped her arms around him tighter, burying her face in his chest. "I love you, y/n. No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you. You know that, right?"He hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before answering. "I know, Jennie. And I love you too. More than anything." He pulled back slightly, cupping her face in his hands. "I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. For not trusting you from the beginning."She smiled, despite the tears still streaming down her cheeks. "It's okay, y/n. We'll get through this together. Just like we always do." She leaned in, pressing her lips gently against his, her heart feeling lighter at the contact. When they pulled away, she could see the relief in his eyes.They stood there for a moment longer, just enjoying the feeling of being close to each other again. The weight of their conversation had lifted, even if only for a brief moment. The sun began to set outside, casting a warm, golden light across the room, making everything seem just a little bit brighter."So, what do we do now?" Jennie asked finally, her voice still a little shaky but stronger than it had been before."We figure out how to move forward," y/n replied, taking a deep breath and straightening his shoulders. "We talk to everyone involved, make sure they understand what happened and why I made the decisions I did. And then we work together to find a solution."Jennie nodded, feeling a new determination welling up inside her. "And in the meantime, we support each other, just like we always have. No matter what comes our way."Together, they walked over to the couch and sat down, their shoulders pressed together. They didn't say anything for a while, lost in their own thoughts, but there was a newfound understanding between them. A connection that had been severed but was now slowly starting to mend.As they sat there, Jennie reached over and took y/n's hand in hers. He squeezed back, his fingers intertwining with hers. They both knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but they also knew that they wouldn't be traveling it alone.The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky a deep shade of orange and pink. A soft breeze drifted through the open window, carrying with it the scent of spring. It was a perfect evening, and yet their hearts were heavy with the weight of their conversation.They sat there for hours, lost in their thoughts, occasionally stealing glances at each other. y/n's mind raced with plans and strategies, trying to figure out how to make things right. Jennie, on the other hand, focused on the present moment, cherishing the warmth of y/n's hand in hers. She knew that they couldn't dwell on the past, but instead had to work together to build a better future.

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