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Jennie squirmed beneath her sheets, the warmth of Y/n's body pressed against her back. She let out a soft moan as their hips gently ground together, feeling the familiar hardness of Y/n's member against her . It had been weeks since they'd last seen each other, and in that time Jennie had dreamed of this moment, of being reunited with the man who had stolen her heart.

She arched her back, pressing her breasts into the warm skin of Y/n's chest, and felt his hand snake around her waist, pulling her even closer. Their kisses were hungry and desperate, their bodies moving in perfect rhythm as they sought release from the tension that had been building up for so long.

Their lovemaking was fierce and passionate, a dance of sorts as they moved together, lost in the heat of the moment. Jennie could feel herself growing closer to the edge, the familiar ache in her core building with every thrust and stroke. She wanted this to go on forever, but she knew that soon enough, they would have to stop, and she would have to go back to her life with her boyfriend.

With a final, breathless cry, Jennie felt herself crest the wave, her body shuddering with release as she came hard around Y/n's member. He followed suit only moments later, his hot seed spilling inside her, and she felt the familiar, satisfying weight of him as he emptied himself.

They collapsed together onto the bed, panting and gasping for air, their hearts racing. Jennie nestled her head into the crook of Y/n's neck, savoring the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her, the scent of his skin filling her nose. She knew that soon enough, they would have to get up, get dressed, and face the world again, but for now, they were together, and that was enough.

"I've missed you so much," Jennie whispered, her voice still shaky from the intensity of their lovemaking.

Y/n smiled, running his fingers through her hair. "I've missed you too, baby. I've been thinking about you every day."

Jennie smiled against his skin, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. She knew she should feel guilty about what they were doing, but in this moment, with him, she couldn't help but feel nothing but happiness. "I can't believe we have to go back out there," she murmured, nodding her head toward the door.

Y/n chuckled softly, kissing the top of her head. "I know, baby. But we have to. We'll just have to find ways to sneak away from them, huh?" He gave her a wink, and Jennie felt herself blush.Jennie sat up, propping herself on her elbow as she looked into Y/n's eyes. "I don't know if I can keep doing this. I feel so guilty all the time, and I don't want to hurt them any more than we already have."

Y/n's expression turned serious. "I know it's not easy, but we have to consider what's best for us. If we really want to be together, then we have to find a way to make it work." He reached over to the bedside table, picking up his shirt and handing it to her. "We could try to talk to them, see if there's any way to make things work between all of us, but..."

Jennie shook her head, knowing that was never going to happen. They had tried that once before, and it had only ended in hurt and tears. "I don't know if I could do that again," she admitted, pulling her shirt on. "It's just too painful."

Y/n took her hand in his and squeezed gently. "I know it is, baby, but we have to face the facts. We're not happy with them, and we're only hurting ourselves by staying with them. Maybe it's time we took a chance on us." He leaned in, brushing a strand of hair from her face, and kissed her softly.

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