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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, amber glow over the city, the air was thick with anticipation. Fans milled about outside the stadium, clutching posters and balloons, their eyes fixed on the massive video screens that loomed overhead. The crowd roared in unison as the opening notes of "Sour Candy" blasted through the speakers, signaling the arrival of Black Pink's Lisa. The starlet, clad in a figure-hugging latex outfit that left little to the imagination, strutted confidently onto the stage, her signature smirk plastered across her face. Little did anyone know that behind the scenes, Lisa was leading a double life.

She had been secretly dating the famous male solo singer, Jeon y/n, for several months now. Their relationship was passionate and intense, filled with stolen moments and secret rendezvous. But Lisa couldn't help but crave more. She longed for the kind of deep, emotional connection that only came with true love. And that's when she met Fredric Arnault, the enigmatic French fashion mogul. Their first encounter was nothing short of electric, and soon enough, they were carrying on a secret affair.

Lisa's heart raced as she glanced down at her phone, her thumbs flying across the screen as she typed out a message to Fredric. She couldn't wait to see him tonight, to feel his strong arms wrap around her and lose herself in his eyes. But just as she was about to send the message, she felt a pang of guilt wash over her. She knew that if y/n ever found out about her infidelity, it would break his heart.

She had tried to keep her distance from Frederick since their relationship began, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. The way he looked at her, the way he made her feel...she was addicted.

As she continued to type her message, she couldn't help but wonder what y/n was doing at that very moment. Was he thinking about her? Did he miss her? The thought of hurting him like this was almost unbearable. But she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards Fredric. She had to see him, just one more time.

With a sigh, she pressed send on her message and waited anxiously for a reply. Her mind drifted back to the first time they'd met, at a fashion show in Paris. The way he'd looked at her like she was the only person in the was intoxicating. They'd shared a secret glance across the crowded room, and from that moment on, she knew she was in trouble.

But she couldn't help it. She was drawn to him, even though she knew it was wrong. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between them, something deeper than just a physical attraction. It scared her, but at the same time, it excited her. She wanted to explore this connection, to see where it would lead.

As she continued to perform on stage, her heart raced with anticipation. She could feel the energy from the crowd, and it only seemed to fuel her infatuation. After the show, she hurried backstage, eager to see if Fedric had replied to her message. Her hands trembled as she checked her phone, her heart leaping into her throat when she saw his reply. He wanted to meet her tonight, after everyone else had left the stadium.

She couldn't believe her luck. The chance to see him, to be with him, was finally within reach. But she knew that this was the last time. She had to end things with him, before things got any more complicated. Tomorrow, she'd tell y/n the truth about her affair, and hope that he could forgive her. Because deep down, she knew that her heart belonged to him.

With her heart racing, she slipped out of the backstage area and made her way towards the exit. The night air was cool against her skin, and she could taste the excitement in the air. She kept glancing around, half-expecting to see y/n's familiar face in the crowd, but he wasn't there. It was just her and the city, and the man she loved in secret.

As she neared the spot where they'd agreed to meet, her heart raced with anticipation. The dimly lit alleyway was deserted, save for the flickering streetlights casting eerie shadows across the walls. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, and waited.

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