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(Emily's pov) 

I sat on the floor looking up at the bright letters.This can't be happening. I followed one of the life lessons that Remus told me:Chocolate solves everything.

I stumbled into the room and raided my chocolate stash.Lets just say that there was a lot and that in 2 hours I had ate them all and most likely gained my body weight.But I didn't care.

I put on my robes and walked out of the room,noticed by no one.Why would the death eaters want it public?I wanted answers and I went to the one place where I knew I could find them.

I ran into nobody as I traveled the castle.I didn't bother knocking because it would take too long for him to answer.He was awake.I guess he expected me,I mean he did tell me to look at the letters.

"Why?"I asked,not looking at him.

"They know that you were in Godric's Hollow that night"he replied grimly.

"So why do they want my visit to Azkaban to be public?"I said,not entirely understanding the situation.

"The ministry didn't put you into Azkaban Emily.They did"Sev said and I shook my head.The ministry did.I was kidnapped in the freakin' ministry.

"They want to turn people against the ministry so they used you as an example.A fragile little girl who recently lost her boyfriend and was put in Azkaban for it"he continued as I said nothing.

"What are they going to do to me?"I asked quietly.

Sev stayed silent for a moment as if he was debating whether to tell me or not.

"There was...something that said a young girl who has suffered all her life had power beyond belief...just like her mother.With this power the girl can destroy anyone"he said and I looked at him confused.

"So?"I asked and he paused.

"The girl was born in the middle of August.The 15th to be exact"he said slowly and I got it.I was the little girl.

"What are they going to do to me?"I repeated,louder and stronger this time.

"You know in summer the order said that he was after something he didn't have last time?"he asked and I nodded."He's after two things.One is in the Department of Mysteries as you already know and the other"

"What if I don't join him?"I asked after it had sunk in.

"You'll be eliminated"he said slowly. Eliminated?As in...murdered?

"I have to go"I chocked out and I ran.It was late,very late but I didn't care.I ran into my safe haven,the forest.

I got into the clearing and screamed on the top of my lungs.Why me?Why is it always me?I used to be envious of Harry but now...I wish I never was.

I clicked my fingers and kind of went a bit crazy and by that I mean I threw fireballs everywhere.

"Trying to burn down the forest sweetheart?"the familiar voice asked from behind me and I threw a fireball at him but he ducked.

"You're lucky that didn't hit me"he growled,baring his fangs and I glared at him.

"Oh yeah?What would you do?"I asked and he jumped.I kicked him and set his arm on fire.He shrugged it off though and then I heard growling.

"Please tell me that was you"I said in a desperate voice and he shook his head.

"Sorry sweetheart but I can't say it was"he said,grabbing my arm and running.I looked back to see wolfs,a lot of them.

Emily Black and the Order of the Phoenix(Book 3 in Emily Black series) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now