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(Emily's pov)


That's the first thing I heard along with a whole load of people shouting.

"Is she going to be okay?"a hysterical person shouted.

"Get her out of there.Why were we not notified that she had dreamless sleep potion in the last six months?"I heard a unfamiliar voice shout then I was unconscious again.

"Emily you have to wake up"a sobbing girl begged.

"I'm so sorry Emily"a man's voice said.

"Oh Merlin Christine is so worried but I keep reassuring her that I'm looking after you"a woman's voice said.

"Emily don't leave me.The joke shop is doing great.You have to stay strong so you can see it"a young man's voice said.

I blinked as the bright light blinded me.I coughed and a person to my right jumped up.

"Healer!She's awake!"Remus shouted as he took my hand.I didn't concentrate as many healers checked my signs.

"She's fine.She's lucky.She should be dead"the healer said to Remus and I frowned.

"Why should I be dead?All I remember is you-"I drifted off.He hexed me.He hexed me!I moved as far away from him as I could.

"Emily I did it for a reason.You were better off that way"he explained but I shook my head.He betrayed me.

"Emily-"he tried explaining but I cut him off each time.How could hexing me be better for me?

"Sirius is dead!"Remus said and I shake my head.

"No he isn't!He isn't Remus!Don't lie to me!"I shouted and my breathing was going too fast.

"Emily you have to calm down.I know its hard but you do.You just went into cardiac arrest because of the dreamless sleep potion mixed with the healing potion.You have to calm down"Remus said in a desperate voice.

The next thing I know,I'm sobbing into Remus' shoulder.I can't stop and the tears just seem endless.Remus soothes me but nobody else is aloud see me.I'm discharged the next day and Remus apparates me to Hogsmeade.

"You don't have to go back Emily" Remus said for about the 100th time.I shook my head and hugged him.

"I love you"I whispered as I hugged him.

"I love you too.I'll see you when school ends"he said and I nodded.I made my way up the long pathway to Hogwarts.

Tears freely run down my face and I don't give a crap if I'm weak because of it.Dumbledore was waiting for me at the front doors.

"I'm so sorry about Sirius"he said once I reached him.

"Yeah.Thanks.Can I go into the forest?"I asked and he nodded. I ran into the forest and sobbed.Why does everybody have to leave me?I set the ground on fire and I felt the desire to burn everything.

"How are you sweetheart?"Teddy asked from behind me.I turned around and he looked at my white hair and then my bright blue eyes.

"You're weak"Violet commented from behind Teddy.

"People who go into cardiac arrest tend to be weak"I responded and they looked at each other worried.Violet came over and hugged me and I stayed in the forest until dinner time.

I walked into the Great Hall and everyone immediately looked at me.

"Turns out her father is innocent"

"She's an orphan now"

"Poor girl"

These were only some of the comments I received.I blinked away the tears and sat beside Cece and Viola.Dumbledore made his speech about Voldemort's return bing made public and that Dad was innocent.I looked at the floor through the whole speech.I didn't eat at all.Cece frowned at me but said nothing.Halfway through dinner I dismissed myself and went down to Sev's chambers.

I sat on his coach,looking at all the potions ingredients.I was beyond crying at this stage.I still can't get the fact that my dad is dead into my head. I'll never see him again.Never talk to him again.

The door opened and Sev sat down beside me.He didn't say anything but he didn't have to.He hated Dad.He's probably happy he's dead but still he's here with me.

"Emily you should pack"Sev said after awhile.I nodded and hugged him.

"I love you"I said.Of course the hug wasn't returned and neither was the love but it didn't matter.I passed no one on the way to the common room.I think they are still having dinner.

I picked up my robes and threw them into my trunk.I threw everything I owned in,not caring if it was neat. Something fell out of my robes and I picked it up.

"I'm sorry George.I just need to spend more time with and get closer to my dad"

It sent me into a new wave of tears.I never sent the letter.I never will. Parvati opened the door and hugged me.I'm getting a lot if hugs recently.Its just like 'oh that girl is an orphan.lets hug her'.

"I just want it to end.I can't lose anyone else"I whispered and Parvati nodded.

"I know"she replied and I sighed before wiping my eyes.I didn't sleep that night.I just lay there,looking up at the canopy above the bed.

The next morning Cece was up first.Honestly I don't think she slept at all.What happened haunts us all.I can't even imagine what kind of nightmares Cece was put through.

"Time to wake up Blue"she said,nodding at my dark blue hair and eyes.

"The dementors are on his side. They're gone from Azkaban"Cece commented as we sat on the Hogwarts express.

"Cool"I said as Viola sighed.

"Too bad father didn't get caught.I'll pay for fighting against his ol' pals"she said.I offer her to stay at mine,well Remus',but she declined.The train ride went smoothly.The topic of conversation not very cheerful but times like this aren't cheerful.I felt empty as I hugged Viola and Cece goodbye.I felt empty as I greeted the Weasley's.I hugged Fred and George and replied with the good old 'I'm fine'.

Lupin,Tonks and Moody had a 'talk' with the Dursley's so I just stood there until Remus was done.He took my arm and apparated.He doesn't trust me apparating,he's afraid I'll splinch myself.

"Emily where you going?"Remus asked.

"My room"I replied and I sat on my bed,looking at the wall,not saying anything,just like an empty shell.

Emily Black and the Order of the Phoenix(Book 3 in Emily Black series) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now