Chapter Twenty-Seven: During the Next Night

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Smith had to wait ten more minutes before Elon collected him from the alleyway, creating a portal in the window to bring him inside.

"Have fun?" asked Smith as he flew, trailing behind Elon's head as he shut the upstairs window, and then lead the way back into the hall.

"No" replied Elon stiffly, and without elaborating. Striding down the corridor, Elon stopped at Henna's bedroom door and, knocking, waited until she called it was open before entering.

Henna had already changed into her pink nightdress pyjamas, somewhat punkish hair damp from showering, and was sitting cross-legged on the bed sullenly. The bandage was still firmly wrapped around her eyes, so she must've had help finding her clothes.

"I have returned the warlock" announced Elon, approaching Henna, and prodding her in the cheek.

"Good, and you'd better not have been listening to Wallace before Human," grunted Henna, "it's bad enough we couldn't give him any straight answers, worse I had to disappoint him again."

"It'll be fine," reassured Smith into his Far Ear, "if we succeed tomorrow, he'll forget everything."

"Will he?"

"No," replied Elon unhelpfully, "but it will lessen his words...most likely."

"Most likely?"

"There is no force such as a father's love for their child. Entering danger at all will not be viewed kindly."

"Is that true Human?"

"Why are you asking me?" replied Smith, nose wrinkling in bitter amusement, "I don't have parents. How would I know?"

"Then...ugh...let's make sure we don't fail then."

"That would be preferable, yes" nodded Elon, turning back for the door, "if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. You should both rest now you can." As Elon crossed the room, a noise broke the air, a gurgling groan, close to the howl of a starving beast as Henna gripped her stomach.

"Wallace made us skip dinner" explained Henna, almost doubling over as the complaints of her stomach subsided, "and I 'so' wish he hadn't. I couldn't even get your food away Human."

"It's fine," groaned Smith, "I'm used to skipping meals."

"We should all bear with this hunger for now," said Elon, opening the bedroom door, "it is no less than we deserve for our weakness."

"Actually," blurted Smith, fluttering after Elon, "can I stay in your room tonight, Elon?"

"Mine? Why?"

"We've not talked that much so far, and no need to make Henna spend two nights putting up with me."

"I'm fine with you being here" frowned Henna, another whine of hunger, louder than before, emanated from her.

"And I prefer you away from me" added Elon, "if there are no better reasons..."

"Look, I want to talk to you in private for a bit."

"And that would be about what exactly?"

"Can you not wait?"

"If it is inane, I hardly see the need, unless..." Looking at Henna, a sly smile passed Elon's mouth. "Are you...concerned you may be next on the menu?"

"" replied Smith unconvincingly.

"Wow, really Human?" scoffed Henna, "what kind of person do you think I am?"

"A hungry spiteful one."

"Shut up. Besides, I said before I don't like the taste of humans."

"I know you're trying to make that sound like a positive...but no, it isn't."

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