A Very Good Place To Start

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1st of October, 2006

Lucy's POV:

My eyes rapidly darted between the both of my parents, a mixture of shock, anger and disappointment lay across both of their faces. My dad cleared his throat before silently leaving the room, I watched as he laced up his shoes before slamming the front door closed. Hesitantly, I turned back towards my mum who was sitting opposite me with her head lowered and eyes closed tightly. As if she were trying to forget what I'd just told her, who could blame her?

"Mum?" I whispered cautiously "Go to your room." She still couldn't look at me "Mum, plea-" I tried again as tears poured down my cheeks "Lucia, my fifteen-year-old daughter has just told me she's pregnant!" she snapped somewhat unintentionally "Please just go to your room so I can attempt to think a coherent thought."

Choking back sobs, I ran up the stairs skipping two maybe three steps at a time. At the time, the only thing I had to be grateful for was my brother conveniently taking my sister to the park so the only person to hear my violent bawling was my Mum in the living room. Oh God. The realisation of my Mum's possible reactions hit me like a tonne of bricks. Immediately, I started to prepare for the worst; preparing to be kicked out, disowned and left on the streets to fend for myself and my unborn child.

20th of December, 2006

"How about Lily?" my close friend, Lucy Stanniforth, suggested as our coach sent us to pick up cones after our training had finished. We had spent weeks trying to find the right name, and after finding out I'd be having a baby girl we, alongside my other close friends, became even more obsessed with the idea of finding the perfect name. I had been desperately trying to narrow down the list but Lucy was over the moon at the idea of becoming 'Auntie Lucy' that more and more names made their way onto the list. so far our list consisted of seven potential names: Daisy, Eva, Eloise, Amelia, Gabriella, Lydia and Tessa. And an endless amount of random names, I was certain that by the time it came to writing her name on the birth certificate, I'd also be able to publish a book of girls' names.

"Luce? You there?" Lucy laughed as I zoned back in on the conversation.
"Sorry, I just can't stop thinking about the fact that im going to be an actual Mum to an actual baby" I laughed alongside her as I tried to shift the burning question that I had been asked countless times by my family and doctors - Am I going to keep the baby?
"When we're finally playing for England she could be our little lion cub... oh my God we could call her cubby!" the excitement was evident in her voice as she wiped the grass off of her knees and linked her elbow through mine "Right, come on you. we're going for ice cream so we can brainstorm the perfect name now that we've found her perfect nickname," She declared gleefully
"just don't put pickles or whatever weird pregnancy cravings you have on it."

2nd of June, 2007

I held my mum's hand as tightly as I possibly could whilst she brushed the hair away from my face.
"You're doing so well Luce," My mom said as she kissed the back of my hand softly.
"Take a deep breath and one more big push" the doctor assured me.  I did as she said, taking many deep breaths and before I knew it, I heard my baby girl's cry.
"Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay!" I cried whilst trying to sit up 
"She's perfectly healthy, don't you worry," she told me whilst briefly cleaning her with a towel before passing her to me. I was hesitant at first, after all, I'd only had experience holding a few babies but this was different. She was mine, my baby girl.  She seemed fragile yet so strong, innocent yet courageous.
"She got your eyes Luce," Mum told me
"Have you got a name for her?" the nurse asked whilst admiring her alongside us.


Idk how to write abt child birth, I've only experienced it when watching greys or casualty 🤭. Not expecting many people to read this cuz it's the first chapter but if you are, I'm hoping to get another chapter out before the end of the day 🫶, (not been spelling or grammar checked yet but will be when I get the chance)

I've Been Waiting For You ~ Lucy BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now