Pesky Prefects

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Tuesday, 11th February, 2020- 16:12
Izzie's POV:

This was my final week before we broke up for half term. I'd like to think I settled in quite nicely. On my second day I was introduced to Lizzie's friend group and the seven of us became inseparable, the group was; myself, Lizzie, Yasmin, Elija, Isaac, Joseph and Theo. Luckily for me, I had at least one of them in each of my classes which made the time fly much faster. Except for maths, nothing could persuade me to reconsider my opinion. It's a pointless subject that makes people with no street smarts feel like they have a right to brag about being the most clever person in the year.

My teacher was just as annoying, Mr Peterson. A sexist, power-hungry man whose only life purpose was to make pupils' lives a misery. To make things worse, that joke of a man was my head of year. I shared his class with both Lizzie and Theo, the three of us often egging each other on to piss him off which usually resulted in being sent out of the classroom. On the days we couldn't be bothered for his bulshit, Liz and I would skive in the abandoned toilets where we'd first met. That's what got us caught up in this mess.


"Took you long enough!" I giggled as Liz burst through the door.
"Calm it, I got snacks."
She sat beside me on the counter, our bags were hung on the back of the toilet stall doors, to make our quick escape. We had mastered the art of hiding; hear a pair of heels and keys, go to the disabled toilet in the corner, balance on the ledge on the wall and avoid making a sound. Our plan was flawless, having put it into action multiple times.


Lizzie was strutting up and down past the cubicles, pretending she was on a runway. The topic of dream jobs came up, she told me how when she was younger she wanted to be a model. Without any prompting she began to pose, causing insufferable laughter between both of us. The pair of us must have been laughing so loudly that it triggered the dooming sound of heels and keys. We both bolted for the stall, barely having time to lift our legs onto the ledge.

"Eh, girls! I know you are in here I can hear you all the way down the corridor."
"Right, thank you Eleice. Let me deal with this."  I didn't dare look at Lizzie, we were being loud enough trying to catch our breaths from the excessive laughter. Obviously, we were found. Well, more like we surrendered ourselves.

"Miss, these year eights have been skipping classes for months now. And now we've finally got them." the prefect, Eleice, told the teacher. She's apparently the biggest teacher's pet to walk the planet. I mean come on, how depressed must she be to not only lead a miserable life but to make everyone else's lives miserable too?
"Like I said, let me deal with this. Now back to class you, off you go." She told her.

"Seriously Elizabeth? I'd have liked to have spent my first day back not escorting you back to class."
"Sorry Miss..." Liz began "but Mr Peterson is unbearable I mean - Izzie's only been here a couple of weeks and he's already picked on her so much."
"Come on then you two, come sit in my office and we can speak about this hm? Oh and Izzie I don't believe we've met, I'm Miss Danvers. I'll be your PE teacher for the next few years." she smiled as she reached for my hand. I tried to return the smile as we shook hands, but the only thing on my mind was just how guilty I'd feel if Lucy and Keira were to find out. In all fairness, I could probably pull the 'I'm a disadvantaged care kid' card and they wouldn't even bat an eyelid.


Miss Danvers escorted us back to maths, telling sir that she'd send an email explaining the situation. Before stupid pigface Peterson felt the need to personally escort us to isolation.
"Right then. Do either of you care to explain why you have been not only skipping lessons but also disrupting your classroom environments?" I looked across at Lizzie, urging her to say something. Anything just to get us out of this situation. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever. Yet she still said nothing. "Well?" He pushed for an answer.
"Well, if neither of you are going to say anything I suppose I'll just need to get your parents in for a meeting hm? See if we can straighten your behaviour out."
"Sir, there really isn't any need for that..." I began "My mums have been under a lot of stress recently- they really don't need to deal with anything else."
"You should have thought of that before you decided to play truant, Isadora, Elizabeth." He looked between us with his classic derogatory grin. "Now I suggest you use your time in isolation think of just how you're going to apologise for wasting mine and your parents' time."

Lucy's POV

I am beyond furious with Isadora. She has not only lied to our faces but also taken complete advantage of the situation we're in as a family. I've lost track of how many times she told us that school was going great and she adored all of her lessons. Michelle cautioned us all that it may be too good to be true, but I wanted to believe my daughter's life was back on track- that she could lead as normal of a life as she could now. Now I've got to sit here and take the brunt of her actions.

"Skipping lessons, throwing equipment across the classroom, cussing and making inappropriate accusations against staff are just some of the things both Isadora and Elizabeth have been taking part in." The head teacher told us
Keira and I looked across at the couple sitting beside us, one had his arms crossed in front of him with his head held high the other had his arms crossed whilst sending a not-so-subtle glare towards us.
"We understand that," the less angry one said, "but if the young girls were truly so disruptive don't you think it would have been appropriate to intervene sooner?"
"Exactly, we trusted this school to tell us if Izzie was struggling to settle in. She's a twelve-year-old with a messed up past- surely you can understand that she is simply trying to fit in." Keira explained calmly. I was speechless. Not one phone call, email or letter to tell us this- only to trust a twelve-year-old to tell the truth.

"If we're going down the troubled past route, I can assure you Elizabeth hasn't had it easy either. Which is why I don't appreciate your child leading ours astray." I went to argue back with the crabby man, but his husband beat me to it.

"Micheal." He scolded "You have no idea what that child has been through."
"Oh, and you do?"
"I do actually, I just don't intend on losing my job through saying so. And besides Liz is on thin ice as well."

"Okay, okay. Let's calm down please." The teacher looked between Micheal and I. "Miss Bronze, considering the fact this is the first time you have been called into my office I shall let her off with a forty-five minute detention the first Monday back after half term. Mr Whittle, unfortunately, we will be suspending Elizabeth for the rest of the week. Hopefully, after half term, she will be in a better mindset hm?"

"I trust you'll be disciplining your children with however you see fit. Thank you for your time, I hope the next time we see each other it is under better circumstances." He shook each of our hands before we left his office. If looks could kill, both girls would have dropped to the floor instantly. As I began to move toward Isadora, Micheal opened his obnoxious mouth again.

"I hope you understand when I say I think it's best you keep your daughter away from mine." He told me with a tight-lipped smile.
"But Dad-"
"Enough, I will not be discussing this further."
He grabbed a hold of his daughter's arm as he dragged her towards the car park. I must admit I did feel bad for the pair but they have brought this upon themselves. And to be completely honest, I agree with the man. I do not want Izzie speaking to people who are going to make her life harder than it already is.


"Luce?" Izzie began
"No... Please just go to your room."
"Lucy please-" she tried again before being pulled away from me by Keira.
"I think she just needs a bit of time to calm down a bit." She said thinking I couldn't hear, "She'll come around eventually hm?" I listened as Izzie let out a frustrated sigh, I imagined she was rolling her eyes, before storming off upstairs and slamming her bedroom door shut.


Hey guyssssss. Guess who's back. Back again.
Im so sorry for my absence but I have legit been grounded for the longest time so have barely been able to write- on top of my busy ass schedule it's took me a while to get this written and edited so please excuse any continuity errors cuz I wrote this over the span of like a month. On another note, does anyone have any suggestions for what to write? I have a few ideas but I'm still keen to include more of yours. As always, take care of yourself, thank you for taking the time to read and interact with my story and I love you all.

Lots of Love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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