I Didn't Mean For You To Find Out This Way

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A/N- let the angst begin 🤭
Tuesday, 24th of December, 2019 - 15:04
Isadora's POV:

Christmas crept up on us quicker than we had expected. Keira and Lucy were both determined to make this 'the best first Christmas ever'. We'd spent Christmas Eve 'Eve' at the cinema before going for dinner in a quiet Wetherspoons beside it. On Christmas Eve, Keira bought us each a gingerbread house to decorate. Narla was trying to join in as well, but Lucy wouldn't let her near it as apparently she'd 'eat all of the ingredients'.

What started as a fun family activity, soon became a total war zone.  Originally we had Nativity playing on Lucy's laptop in front of us, but we soon put that away as soon as the icing war began. It started when Lucy 'booped' Keira's nose with the icing, Keira then tried to throw it back onto Lucy but missed and hit my cheek instead. Naturally, I took revenge attempting to get Keira back.

We kept throwing icing at each other until eventually, we were covered head to toe in icing and there was none left.
"Right, you two go get cleaned off. I've got an idea of how to salvage this."
Keira ordered, sending Lucy and me upstairs. After we had both showered, Lucy brought me into her room and sat me down at her dressing table. She gently started brushing out my damp hair before parting it and eventually French braiding it. Her soothing touches relaxed me as I looked up at her in the mirror, smiling at her admiringly. It didn't take long for Lucy to notice my staring, I looked away timidly as she spoke.
"What are you smiling at?" She questioned as she finished tying the bobble around the first braid.
"What, have I still got icing on me?"
"No," I told her "I just think you'd make a perfect mum someday."

For a moment there I thought I'd upset her, the prominent smirk that'd been there before had turned into a blank expression. Was she mad at me?
The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. I was uncomfortable and so was Lucy.

"I'm sorry, for what I said. I didn't mean to step on a nerve or anything." I apologised profusely. Upsetting Lucy was not on my agenda that day.
"It's okay, you didn't don't worry." She assured me as Keira walked in.
"Right that's all cleaned up now, I'm going to go shower. Then we've got a slight change of plan."

Lucy finished the second braid soon enough, and pulled me over to her bed. She sat down as I stood in front of her looking down to meet her eyes.
"I'm sorry for worrying you earlier, you didn't upset me don't worry. It just made me think about some things,"
"Like what?" Lucy took my hands and held them close to her.
"That's a story for another day, okay?"


Thankfully, Keira didn't take too long in the shower which meant Lucy and I didn't have to wait very long for her surprise she'd set up In the living room. Narla raced us as we made our way downstairs, nearly tripping all three of us in the process. We were led into the living room, the big lights and lamps were all turned off leaving the Christmas tree's fairy lights to illuminate the room. A duvet was placed over the sofa with pillows piled on top of it creating a desire to sit down, get comfortable and never leave the sofa again. On the coffee table, a large bowl was filled with the demolished gingerbread houses. Kei was quick to pull us both down to sit beside her, the couple had sat on either side of me whilst Lucy moved her arm behind both Kiera and me pulling the three of us closer together.

"Gowarn' then Iz, you can pick the film," Keira told me as she handed me the TV remote.
"I don't know any..." I responded handing the remote back to her. Instead, Lucy picked 'Jingle all the way', claiming it was the best Christmas film. I don't remember Much of what happened in the film, or any film we watched after that, as most of the time we'd spent laughing at Lucy's terrible jokes until we'd tired ourselves out entirely.

I've Been Waiting For You ~ Lucy BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now