'I'm Not A Pessimist, It's Called Being Realistic'

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quick A/n- I'll be using the OC's POV soon, I tried writing this bit from her perspective but it just didn't make much sense so please bear with me for the time being Xx.

Keira Walsh's POV :

"Hot Chocate for Isadora!" The Barrista attempted to call over the deafening sound of other customers, only to have to repeat herself moments later. I watched intently as a small girl approached the counter to collect it. I expected her mum or dad to follow behind her but it appeared to be just her. After a brief conversation between the two, from which I learnt the girl was a regular at this cafe, the girl took her seat at a table by a neatly decorated Christmas tree.
"Oi, are you listening to me?" Georgia laughed as I became aware of my surroundings once again, "What were you staring at anyway". She looked around the shop, weaving her head around the people standing in the way of her view of the cafe. Inevitably, she had found the girl who had intrigued me so much. "That kid looks an insane amount like- ah crap she saw me staring...act natural Kei."

"Have you got a bloody problem?" she said as she came to a stop by our table near the counter
"Um No... you alright kid? Where's your mum at?" G attempted to cool the situation, obviously to no avail as the girl rolled her eyes and looked judgementally between us
"first of all, quit assuming everyone has parents. Not everyone is as perfect as you stupid, privileged footballers. Second of all, your friend here has been staring at me since you walked in". I looked at my hands in my lap as Georgia continued to chuckle awkwardly. "Look just stop staring at me yeah? It's creepy man"
"Um yeah sorry" I looked up at her as I apologised, slightly ashamed at how she'd managed to intimidate me.
"Yeah sorry about that... we just thought you looked so much like one of our friends" G continued
"Yeah okay, whatever" She turned away from us to see that a couple had now taken the seat she was at previously "fucks sake man." She mumbled under her breath.

"You could er, always sit with us if you'd like?" She turned back to me as I suggested it.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, course I'm sure" I smiled slightly, she sat beside me and held her hand out for me to shake
"I'm Izzie"
"Im Keira, and this is Georgia" I introduced us as she shook my hand firmly. She sipped her hot chocolate before beginning to speak
"Have you ever been here before? I've never seen you in this area" Georgia shook her head and replied
"No, one of our friends recommended us to come here. I can see why, are you a regular?"
"Uh, yeah I guess. I moved about two months ago, this place has the best hot chocolates. And I know the owner's daughter so I try and get myself a discount sometimes, doesn't work very often but it's worth trying" she laughed.
I can't help but see Lucy in her. Everything she did mirrored my Lucy. She had clear-frame glasses with adorable freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her hair was a light brown, I couldn't see much of it as it was tied in a messy bun. Maybe that's why I thought she looked like Luce. Even her laugh was just like hers. But my God, her eyes. They were a carbon copy of Lucy's, a beautiful shade of green.
"This place does great coffee as well" I agreed
"Wouldn't know, I hate coffee it's disgusting"
"I live on coffee most of the time, especially when I'm travelling" I shrugged whilst justifying my drink of choice.
"Fair enough, when I'm tired I just have a monster or something"

"How old are you kid, you're so well spoken" G complimented whilst changing the topic of our conversation
"I turned twelve in June"
"Twelve!" She exclaimed "No offence but you look about nine"
I'd fully expected Izzie to take offence to that but instead, she just laughed,
"I get that a lot"
"You're in year 8 at school then aren't you?" I asked
"Yeah, something like that" she half smiled, she seemed nervous when I asked that question
"I hope you don't mind me asking," Please don't say what I think you're going to say G "But what did you mean by 'not everyone has parents' it caught me quite off-guard" You said it.
"Oh um...yeah I don't have parents"
"What happened?"
"My carers said they didn't know anything about my dad except his name but they wouldn't tell me."
"What about your mum?"
"They said she visited for about a month after she gave me up, apparently she'd asked for no contact after that. I don't know why"
"How old were you?
"I don't know like a few months old I think"
I sat there listening intently, poor girl. I couldn't imagine giving my child up. Her Mum must be evil to give her child up without a reason.

I've Been Waiting For You ~ Lucy BronzeWhere stories live. Discover now