Chapter Two: Rescue

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I couldn't help it as I collapsed into Jack and wrapped my arms around him. I began sobbing into his chest and I soon felt his arms encircle me. His hands rubbed up and down my back comfortingly while I cried. Our clothes were already wet from the marsh we were crouching in, but I'm sure my tears weren't making his shirt any drier. But I was too upset to think about that. I was too scared to worry about anything or to be embarrassed about the fact that I was crying in a stranger's arms.

Eventually, I got myself under control enough to at least breathe. I tried to calm down further. Jack's hands were still steadily rubbing my back. I was a little shocked that he hadn't tried to push me away or tell me to pull myself together. He was just calm and reassuring.

"I don't know what happened to my brothers," I finally managed to say. My voice was shaking and still tainted by my crying. A few more tears fell from my eyes and even as I wiped them, more fell. "They-they were right behind me! Zach was telling me to run. When I turned around they were gone! I don't-"

"They were captured right before you made it to the marsh," Jack said calmly and my heart stopped.

"What?" I stared at him with fear-filled eyes. My brothers had been taken? While I was still free? Still alive?

"I followed you in here because Zach told me that no matter what, keeping you alive was the priority-"

"Are you saying you had the opportunity to save them and you chose not to?" I demanded. My eyes narrowed now and Jack looked at me in surprise.

"Well...Zach said-"

"They could be dead!" I yelled. Jack's eyes immediately scanned the surrounding area and he looked back at me like he was going to quiet me. I shoved his chest and pushed him away. "They could be dead and you did nothing to stop it!"

The water sloshed around us as he regained his footing. He'd looked surprised, but now his face became angry too.

"If I had helped them instead of you, then your sorry ass would be dead right now!" He said defensively. Water splashed between us as he stalked back toward me. I stood my ground and glared at him. "They aren't going to kill your brothers, Lia. Jonah is the figurehead of your family and The Second can't kill him without raising suspicion. And Zach's been captured by them before, hasn't he? Several times. And they've never killed him. Clearly, they have a reason for keeping him alive. The only one they're intent on killing is you. So maybe you could be a little more appreciative that I chose to follow your brother's instructions!"

I stared back at him and felt a sudden weight in my chest. He was right. He'd just saved my life and here I was arguing with him.

But he didn't understand. Zach and Jonah were all I had. I wouldn't want to live in a world without them. If they were dead, I might as well be too.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You're welcome," he spat. "Now, if you had let me finish, I was about to explain how we're getting them back. Have you handled a gun before?"

I scoffed.

"I grew up with Zach. Do you really think he'd let me walk around without knowing how to use a gun?"

"A simple yes would have been just fine," Jack said with a sigh. He paused for a moment and I had a hunch he was trying to keep himself from getting upset with me. Then he finally reached for a bag on his back that I hadn't noticed until now. He rummaged around in the bag and then he pulled out a gun. "Here."

He handed me the gun and I inspected it. I liked the weight of it in my hands. My fingers traced over the cold, smooth metal before I wrapped my hands around the handle.

The Second Son - Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now