1 - give me 👏 the mf 👏 water

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My heart was beating faster than a mother fucking jaguar. Every single thought running through my head is "what if this is all pretend" "was all of this fake" "am I just a really anxious person" "my god I'm just a hypochondriac" I know these thoughts are caused by the my doctors never truly believing in me but everyone knows when someone with authority say stuff then you are far more likely to believe it.

I'm about to go under, I've been at the hospital for probably about 2 hours and have just got to preop. Hospital gown and personalized bracelet secured. A nurse came over and started asking me questions.

"What's your date of birth" a question I had been asked several times today.

"August 22nd 1999" I reply

"And this makes you?"


"Do you smoke or have you ever smoked?" she questioned


"Do you have any medical history that run in your family?"

"not that i can think of" she smiled as she wrote down my answers.

"alright we are going to take you through now"

I had to awkwardly waddle to the theatre in my hospital gown. I walked in, it was your typical operating room, machines everywhere and it was ice cold. Nerves washed over me. Some staff comforted me as I laid down on the bed, I watched them stick the disks to my chest and felt them put the needle into my hand, luckily I've never been scared of needles. As the mask was placed over my face, I felt the anesthetic go into my veins. I was about to open my mouth and mention how it ached but I was unconscious before a word could leave my mouth.

I was in bed, my own bed. My nanna was there .

"Get up sweetie, its a new day!" she smiled.

"morning nanna!" was followed by some giggles.

I scrambled out of bed care free, no worries for the day. I wasn't worried about what pain awaited me for the day, or if i should bring my pain killers with me, or if would i have enough energy to make it to lunchtime. None of these thoughts crossed my mind, even for a second. I skipped to the bathroom with my nanna closely following behind. I jumped up onto the stall to brush my my teeth; as i was brushing i realized one of my teeth were wobbling. Excitement filled me up.

"Nanna, look I have a wobbly tooth!" I exclaimed.

"That means the tooth fairy is coming soon darling!" She pronounced.

I giggled with more excitement, I couldn't wait. But this utopia quickly spiraled into complete and utter darkness.

I open my eyes. The author would say "fluttered my eyes open" but in the end of the day I'm not that graceful. Bright lights shone into my already sore eyes, where the fuck am I? I thought I was getting ready for school, I guess not. Wait, I remember now. You all already know I just woke up from surgery so I'm not going to repeat that again.

I groan, I do not feel great. I actually feel a bit sick but that's general anesthetic for you. I look to my side because I am in desperate need for water.
Now for context my hospital has the pre and post op in the same room.
I see this guy laying in bed with some sort of bandages wrapped around his arm. The nurse is asking him some questions like DoB and if he smokes and stuff but I can't really hear them over my beeping machine.

I can't help but stare at him, mainly because my world spins whenever I move my head but also because his jawline is sharper than the blades that just cut me open. His brown hair flopped over his face is so fucking beautiful, my god I want to run my hands through it. His bandages on his arm really made his biceps pop, his forearm looks to be broken, ouch! Now I don't know if it's the morphine in my system or not but I'm crushing more than crushed ice.
I think they notice because the both stare at me and then I realize my mouth is open. Shit. Jk I'm too off my face to actually care right now.
"Sorryyyy... could I possibly have some water pleaseeeee" I say with a goofy smile. It was the best thing I could think of and I am still in desperate need of water.

The endo diary - Colby Brock/OCWhere stories live. Discover now