Two | James

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3 months...

13 weeks..

91 days.

And I was still not ready to see her 

She isn't her usual bubbly self and I'm pretty sure everyone has notices but know not to push her
They knew that I would usually help her through it, I would fix it all for her
But how can I fix it when I'm the problem.. 

We'd been at the cabin for a couple hours now, everyone was sort of doing their own thing. 
Last time I checked Michelle and Riley were in the kitchen, as cliche as it'll sound they won't let us touch any ounce of food under the fear that we will give them both food poisoning
"Something feels off" Eldon said making me look up from my phone
"What do you mean?" Hunter asked
"I mean I don't know, something has shifted between the girls and us" he said making me try to hide the regret on my face
I knew exactly what he was talking about
"That's not true, Michelle is alright. Riley's a little quiet but I mean-" Hunter started
"Riley's a shy girl we know that but even this feels different. She was the happiest I'd seen her a few months ago" Eldon said

Back towards christmas time, Eldon brought me back from school to see my family since it was Mum's birthday. 
Riley was also in town but I obviously knew but Eldon was blind to the fact that I would be spending most of my time with her that week
We went out for dinner that night with El in the hope that he wouldn't clock on
More so because Eldon and Riley have grown up basically siblings all these years 

"You saw her this year?" West asked making Eldon nod
"when I brought James back for Deb's birthday, we met up with her for some dinner" He said making the boy's gazes shift to mine making me nod 
"It's true, she was really happy then" I added 
I'm the reason she isn't okay now but that isn't something I can share with the class

"Boys!" Michelle called saving me from a loaded question
The boys aren't stupid, I give it a week before they put two and two together.. Then it'll be game over for me

"All I'm saying Riles is that it would not hurt to give him a shot, I don't think I've ever heard you even try a relationship. This boy is practically throwing himself at you" Michelle said making my ears prick up even though they certainly didn't deserve too
"ooo has Riley got a little lover?" Hunter teased
"Yes" "No" both girls said at the same time 
Michelle was click to roll her eyes before pulling out her phone showing us 3 photo's each one getting progressively worse

 This boy is practically throwing himself at you" Michelle said making my ears prick up even though they certainly didn't deserve too"ooo has Riley got a little lover?" Hunter teased"Yes" "No" both girls said at the same time Michelle was click to...

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"You girls dressed up for some random guy? Why don't we get that treatment?" Hunter pouted making both girls laugh
"That was out showcase after party dumbass" Michelle said scrolling to the next photo

"You girls dressed up for some random guy? Why don't we get that treatment?" Hunter pouted making both girls laugh"That was out showcase after party dumbass" Michelle said scrolling to the next photo

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"Riley and this guy clicked like no tomorrow, they get on like a house on fire but Riley won't get it a shot" Michelle complained
"Because I don't want to Michelle, there is nothing wrong with him. I'm just not looking for a relationship" Riley said clearly avoiding any eye contact with me 
"but you guys are cozyyyy" Michelle whined swiping to the final photo

 I'm just not looking for a relationship" Riley said clearly avoiding any eye contact with me "but you guys are cozyyyy" Michelle whined swiping to the final photo

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"I don't know if you remember Michelle but he had stayed up with us until 3am working on a project you left to last minute. We were over tired but you wanted to photograph the moment you actually handed something in on time" Riley bit back making most of the boys snigger while Michelle glared at her 
"My point still remains the same, you should give it a-" Michelle started before Hunter grabbed my attention
"Are we supposed to say anything?" he whispered the the boys and I making all three of us shake our heads 
If I said anything, I would only regret it later 


It was later in the evening, everyone had long fallen asleep but for some reason I couldn't switch on 
The last time I was in this room, I wasn't alone
Last time I was in here, I think I was easily the happiest I've ever been 
And yet I had to ruin it all 

I turned onto my sign looking over at the window, I could see the stairs through the small break in the curtain only making me remember the countless nights Riley and I spent watching them
Back when it was just us, back when our relationship was just us..

After a little while longer of tossing and turning I groaned sitting up right knowing that I wasn't going to sleep soon
I headed downstairs to grab a drink
To my surprise, I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep..
Bundled up with blankets and a cup of what I would assume was hot chocolate, Riley sat on the back porch looking over the lake 
She was deep in thought and probably wouldn't notice I was here unless I made a noise 

All I want to do is go over to her, pull her to my chest and beg for her forgiveness
But that isn't fair on her at all
I know she would probably give it to me but she deserves so much more 
She deserves someone to give her their all 
Not someone who runs at first glance 

Maybe this new guy would be exactly what she needs..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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