Daeyoung, Ryo and Sakuya

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One of the rules in SM was that rookie groups, even subunits, could not have phones until they had reached the one year mark. Taeyong didn't think this was a completely fair rule so he bought the members of Tokyo their own phones and made them promise not to let the company find out about it. Taeyong thought that he made it very clear: the phones were for emergencies and contacting family only. Of course, giving a bunch of teenagers phones and expecting them to use it for emergencies only was a complete waste of money. Of course the boys used it for anything they wanted with no regard for how it would affect their hyungs and seniors. The whole team of NCT was currently staying in a large cabin together for bonding now that there was a new unit. That was where the trouble started because now the chances of the teenagers getting out of the cabin were slimmer than if they were at their own dorm. 

"One, two, three!" Taeyong clapped his hands together, signaling the end of filming. If the older members really wanted to, they could always get on vlive or something but for now, work was over. 

"Alright, lights out" Taeyong turned to the younger three members, shooing them all off upstairs. 

"Goodnight hyungs!" Daeyoung, Ryo and Sakuya waved goodbye to their older members as they went up the stairs to their rooms. The other members played a few games but they were all starting to slowly tire out as well so it wasn't long before they all turned in for the night. The new team was staying in a cabin with 127 but WayV and Dream all had their own cabins. 

Yushi was just lying in bed when he got a text from his dongsaengs, causing him to get up and sneak out of his room with Sion and Riku. He was halfway down the stairs when the worst thing ever happened and he almost fell in shock.

"What are you doing up?" Jaehyun questioned, catching Yushi before he slipped down the stairs.

"Damnit hyung! Couldn't you give a little bit more warning? Why are you creeping around the house like a crazy person?" Yushi snapped, overcome with nervous energy. He really hoped that his dongsaengs had not been caught yet because he wouldn't be able to explain what happened then. 

"Excuse you? Who do you think that you are talking to?" Doyoung tightened his grip on the younger kid. 

"Sorry, you just scared me" Yushi blushed, bowing a few times. Doyoung didn't look convinced but he let it go, telling himself that Yushi only acted out of fear. Doyoung himself knew that he would be scared and might curse too if someone came out of nowhere in a dark house. 

"It's okay. Now, I'll ask again: what are you doing up?" Doyoung repeated.

"I-just wanted to get a glass of water?" Yushi knew that wasn't going to work the moment he said it. Maybe if he had sounded more confident, it would have been more believable but he was really nervous and scared and more than anything, Yushi did not want to be in trouble. 

"Are you lying to me?" Doyoung wondered, sensing that he was being lied to. 

"No!" Yushi shook his head, his face turning red. Doyoung noticed even in the dark room and knew that he was being lied to. 

"Yushi-ah, be honest with me. Why are you up?" Doyoung repeated. Yushi knew that he could not lie anymore; there was no point. 

"It wasn't my fault" He muttered, hating tattling on his members and friends. Doyoung dragged him over to the couch, turning on a small light and making the kid sit down.

"Tell me what happened" Doyoung demanded. Yushi took a deep breath and told him about how he was asleep but then his phone went off and he looked at it. He told Doyoung about Ryo asking him to unlock the back door so that the three maknaes could get back inside and then about how Yushi bumped into Doyoung and that was where he stopped talking. 

"So, instead of immediately coming to one of us, you decided to try and do things on your own and cover for those three?" Doyoung's tone took on a sharper edge, making Yushi think that maybe he was going to be in trouble for something. 

"You should have gotten one of us right away" Doyoung shook his head.

"I'm sorry" Yushi didn't see the big deal but he was not yet comfortable enough with the older members to openly disagree with anything they said.

"I know. Just go on back to bed, okay? Hyung will take care of this" Doyoung insisted. Yushi nodded, even though he still wanted to help his friends, and went back to his room, climbing into bed and hiding under the covers. 

Meanwhile, Doyoung went to the back door and unlocked it then sat down to wait for Daeyoung, Ryo and Sakuya to return from wherever it was that they went. 

"Oh, hyung! I didn't think that you would be up" Daeyoung discreetly pushed the maknaes behind him, trying to keep them from being in trouble.

"Well I wasn't until I heard Yushi get up and, considering that it is the middle of the night, I decided to go see what the problem was. Where have you guys been?" Doyoung stood up, his arms crossed and looked at the three maknaes for an explanation. 

"We just went for a walk, hyung. We're sorry" Sakuya stepped forward despite Daeyoung trying to keep him back. 

"If you want to go for a walk, you wait until morning. You do not sneak out and leave without telling anyone where you are" Doyoung scolded them. No one had anything to say to that.

"Daeyoung, come here" Doyoung knew what he was going to have to do and he hated it but he didn't see any other option. Daeyoung walked over, hesitant. 

"Hyung!" Ryo and Sakuya instinctively backed away when Doyoung tucked the younger kid under his arm. Daeyoung tried to pull away but he didn't get very far. 


"You will never sneak out ever again! Do you understand?" Doyoung helped Daeyoung to stand back up, making the kid face him. Daeyoung nodded, a little caught off guard. Each of them had been informed of the rules and discipline but this was the first time anyone from the new team got into any real trouble. 

"Go to bed" Doyoung ordered. Daeyoung didn't look at his friends as he ran up the stairs without another word. 

"Wait, hyung!" Ryo backed up once he realized that Doyoung was coming after him and Sakuya next. 

"Come here, Ryo" Doyoung waited patiently until Ryo stepped forward and took Doyoung's outstretched hand. 

"You may be the maknae, or one of the maknaes, but you know the rules. You are sixteen, you are too old to be sneaking around without your hyungs knowing" Doyoung scolded gently, keeping the lecture short. 

"I understand, hyung. I'm sorry" Ryo waited but he didn't have to for very long and soon, he was joining Daeyoung upstairs in the maknae's room. Of course, he wasn't about to leave Sakuya alone either so he waited at the top of the stairs until the real maknae came up and the two of them walked to their room with Daeyoung together. The next day, Doyoung informed Taeyong what happened and the leader was far from happy. But he did decide that Doyoung had done enough and he left the kids alone. 

Sion-21. 2002
Riku-20. 2003
Yushi-19. 2004
Daeyoung-18. 2005
Ryo-16. 2007
Sakuya-16. 2007

Age order
Taeil-28. 1994
Johnny-27. 1995
Taeyong-27. 1995
Yuta-27. 1995
Kun-26. 1996
Doyoung-26. 1996
Ten-26. 1996
Jaehyun-25. 1997
Winwin-25. 1997
Jungwoo-24. 1998
Mark-23. 1999
Xiaojun-23. 1999
Hendery-23. 1999
Renjun-22. 2000
Jeno-22. 2000
Haechan-22. 2000
Jaemin-22. 2000
Yangyang-22. 2000
Chenle-21. 2001
Jisung-20. 2002
Sion-20. 2002
Riku-19. 2003
Yushi-18. 2004
Daeyoung-17. 2005
Ryo-15. 2007
Sakuya-15. 2007

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