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Jisung was just minding his own business when Sion suddenly came into the room, stopped as if he was regretting coming to Jisung, and then he sat down without a word.

"Can I help you?" Jisung wondered.

"I need....I don't know...ugh, how do I spank someone?!" Sion dropped his head, a bright red blush lighting up his face. Jisung stared with wide eyes and his mouth open in a large O, then he started laughing.

"Jisung! It's not funny" Sion huffed.

"I'm sorry! I just-did you think it was a good idea to come to me? Sion, I was the maknae until you guys came. I've never been on the giving end of, you know.. that" Jisung pointed out.

"Oh, your right. I'm sorry" Sion realized Jisung was right and he was more frustrated with himself now. Sion got up to leave but he was stopped.

"Wait, talk to me. How can I help? What's the matter?" Jisung urged him.

"It's Yushi. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to be the hyung and leader that the boys need but Yushi is so close to me in age that it's awkward" Sion confessed.

"He's not even close to your age. He's two years younger, remember that okay?" Jisung responded. Sion realized he was right once again.

"What's he been doing?" Jisung questioned. He might not help with the discipline side of things but he could get Sion to talk things out.

"Sneaking out, snapping at people. He's normally so...shy but it's like a switch has gone off. I don't recognize him anymore" Sion sighed, tired.

"Spank him" Jisung stated simply. If he had been acting like that, his hyungs would've spanked him already and he didn't see any alternative to it. Yushi was acting out for a reason and it was unacceptable. 

"Jisung!" Sion argued.

"You asked for my help and that's what I'm telling you. We both know what hyungs would do if it was one of us. If your not comfortable, I can do it" Jisung offered, not really sure why he did.

"But you said that you've never been on the giving end before!" Sion argued.

"There's a first time for everything. We're hyungs now, might as well get used to it" Jisung got up, going to find Yushi before he could change his mind and chicken out.

"Wait, Sungie! This is not what I meant" Sion ran after him.

"Yushi, I want to talk to you" Jisung announced, going into the Wish dorm. Everyone was in the living room, looking up when Jisung came in with a very out of breath Sion behind him.

"What for?" Yushi wondered, a little nervous but trying to hide it. Jisung didn't answer, instead grabbing his dongsaeng by the hand and leading him to one of the rooms that Jisung hoped was Yushi's room.

"What is this about?" Yushi was now into full panic mode, especially when Jisung closed the bedroom door.

"Do you want to explain why Sion felt the need to come to me because of your behavior? Because he had no idea how to balance being a hyung, leader and disciplinarian and you were making it harder for him?" Jisung lectured. Yushi flushed a little, hiding his face.

"Exactly. That's what I thought, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Jisung wondered.

"No, hyung" Yushi shook his head. Jisung took a deep breath, feeling no more confident than he had before, and sat down on the bed. He hoped he wasn't going to be in trouble for doing this without one of the older guys knowing but he told himself that Sion was the leader of Wish and he had come to Jisung for help. Besides, Jisung has gone from being the maknae to a full hyung now. That came with certain things that even the older members could not deny him. This was one of those things.

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