Ryo and Sakuya + Yushi

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It was not surprising that Ryo and Sakuya still had trouble following directions and got tired easily. Sion should have expected it but he found himself still a little surprised. 

"We are going on this one and then we can go to the others!" Riku said for the millionth time. 

"We don't want to go on that one!" Ryo repeated, arguing back yet again.

"That's too bad, we've already been in line for a long time and you two are the ones who wanted to go on this one so we're going to" Riku insisted. Ryo and Sakuya were both pouting, their arms crossed.

"Well, can't we go to this ride alone? We'll be careful and we're old enough to walk around alone" Sakuya suggested. 

"That's not happening. You two stay with us" Sion cut in this time, shaking his head.

"Your being ridiculous hyung!" Ryo huffed. Sion could sense Riku was reaching the end of his patience so he tapped the kid out, taking over.

"I am not debating this with you, Ryo. The answer is no and it will still be no, whether you like it or not. The only thing that you have to decide is if your going to behave or do we need to go to the restroom for a talk?" Sion hinted, knowing that Ryo would understand.

"I can take them hyung, I don't mind" Yushi interrupted. Sion turned to him, considering that. It would be easier but at the same time, he didn't want Ryo and Sakuya thinking that throwing a tantrum would get them their way. Plus Yushi had really been looking forward to the ride they were in line for and it wouldn't be fair to him to have to wait only to leave because the youngest two were being brats.

"No Yushi, we're staying together" Sion shook his head again. Yushi looked relieved but also disappointed for his dongsaengs, who were now fuming. They didn't understand why Sion was being so unreasonable and wouldn't let them go.

"We're going" This time, it was Sakuya who decided that instead of Ryo.

"You step out of this line and see what happens. I am not playing games with you Sakuya. We are staying together. We can all go to this new ride once we are finished with this one but not a moment sooner, I promise. Is that clear?" Sion repeated again, his patience dwindling. If this continued, he would almost consider handing the problem over to Yushi or Daeyoung but that would go terribly. Those two were weak to the maknaes, they were not prepared for the task of remaining firm in a decision like Sion and Riku were. 

"Whatever" Ryo rolled his eyes, still looking unhappy. They were up next and Sion herded his team forward, paying special attention to the maknaes to make sure that they didn't try to run. The two youngest did have the time of their lives and Sion felt a sense of relief; maybe their bad moods were gone now. However, things only progressed from there. As soon as they were off the ride and back to roaming the amusement park, something caught Daeyoung's eye and he tugged on Sion's shirt, pointing to it like a little kid. 

"Can we go over here for a moment? It'll be quick" Sion didn't leave any room for argument and they went to the little store that caught Daeyoung's attention.

"Hyung, you promised!" Ryo reminded him.

"And we will. It's just that this is closer and it's better than walking all over the park. We will still get to that ride, okay? Be patient please" Sion explained. Neither of the two maknaes were happy and they exchanged a knowing look, nodding once and waiting for the perfect chance to sneak away. Yushi saw them and was going to say something but Sion was preoccupied and Riku was chasing Daeyoung around the room, trying to keep him from buying everything he touched. So Yushi slipped out of the store unnoticed and caught up to the maknaes.

"You guys are so dead if hyungs catch you" He warned, moving to walk in between them.

"Hyung!" Sakuya jumped; he hadn't expected anyone to notice them leaving.

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