8 - The shampoo was harsh pt2

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The coldness of the mall dried your sweat, and the heavy beat of your heart hadn't gone away

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The coldness of the mall dried your sweat, and the heavy beat of your heart hadn't gone away. Overhaul led the way, walking from store to store. He wasn't doing anything other than leading the way, entering stores, and pretending to look interested in their items. At least, that's how you perceived it to be.

You don't know how long the two of you had been walking, but your legs ached, and your pace slowed down. Overhaul seemed to notice this and stopped walking. "We're going back. I believe it's enough exposure for you." He said.

You don't really understand what he meant, but you just wanted to sit down. The two of you returned to the entrance, and the same car from probably hours ago stopped before you two.

A man got off the passenger's side and opened the car door. Overhaul ushered you to get in first, and he followed.

The paper bag from the salon was on your lap, but Overhaul, without permission, took this from you and opened it. Your eyes widened in surprise, and you feared the consequences of fighting back.

Overhaul rummaged inside the bag and found a piece of paper. "Don't worry. Help will arrive." He said lowly. He placed the paper on his lap and removed a glove. The paper soon disintegrated in his hands.

"Look for a woman in her thirties at XXX salon. Kill her." He commanded. Your hands turned to fists, and you looked away.

It wasn't long before you arrived back at your prison house. You could feel Overhaul's mood, and it wasn't good. His steps were quick, and you tried to match the pace as you followed him all the way to his room. You heard the bedsheet ruffling as you closed the door.

"Strip." You heard him say.

You turned around and saw him seated on the edge of his bed, his piercing gaze on your skirt and his elbows on his legs.

You still stood frozen on the spot under his dangerous eyes. What did he mean by strip?

"I said, strip." Overhaul repeated with much impatience.

Your trembling fingers reached for the button on your blouse, and you unbuttoned it. "Come closer." He said.

With weak knees, you took three steps closer. You're at arm's length from him. "Quick, before I rip them off myself." Overhaul said and leaned away, his hands now behind him as he supported himself.

A command like this was what you never expected from him. While your hands worked their way to undressing yourself, your thoughts went to when you saw him holding the laced underwear that you were wearing.

You were now only in your underwear. His eyes felt so sticky. Your skin felt cold and muggy. Your eyes checked to see his groin, and you could see the bulge he proudly showed.

"You'll never be able to escape, Y/N. You have become a huge contributor to our plan. Although I had planned to get rid of you once the bullets are complete, you can still be of use to me." Overhaul said. "Sit with your back facing me." He added as he shifted a little farther on his bed for more room for you to sit.

You walked towards him and turned around. You planned to sit on the small space between his legs, but you jerked at the feeling of his gloved hands on your hips, and he pulled them to his groin.

"At some point, you were merely a tool to restore the former glory of the Shie Hassaikai. At some point, it was only that." He said, and he thumbed the fabric of your panty.

You knew better than to succumb to the pleasure. You knew better than that, or so you thought.

Overhaul dug his fingers into your hips as he felt pleasured by how he would control your hips grinding over him. You knew better than to moan, but the sound escaped your lips as you felt him hit a sensitive spot.

He stopped. His breaths were heavy, and still, his grip on you was tight.

You felt his hands pry off you. "Wash yourself up." Overhaul said. You didn't know why he stopped, and you were glad he did, but the throbbing pain down you was screaming.

You fetched your clothes from the floor, wore them back, and went to the other room to wash up. You didn't look back even once at him.

The cold drizzle of the shower reminded you of his cold, gloved hands. The marks on your hips were there, and you couldn't help but recall the feeling of being on top of him. And you couldn't help it again. Your hands slowly made their way to your throbbing core. As you touched it, you released a quick, soft sigh.

You couldn't understand what had changed again this time. Your fingers drew circles, but your mind was torn to thinking about the hardness you felt from him and the softness of his voice when speaking to you last night.

This man was bound to wreck you in so many ways that escaping cannot fix what's broken anymore.

A shaky sigh left your lips, "Overhaul..."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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