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Hi first chapter! No trigger warning like I said but safe reading:))
Hope you enjoy thank you for reading!

"You stupid, ungrateful CHILD!" Her mother's voice sounded rough and cracked.
Yet still terrifying to the girl lying on the floor. The words stung in her chest. Her head was low to the ground, not taking any chances to look up at her mother's hateful eyes. She always hated those eyes. Why did she hate those eyes so much?

They haunted her at night. They haunted her morning dreams her life. She refused to dream most nights, but she couldn't control it. The dreams that plagued her at night were unspeakable.

They were traumatic. The girl thought it was normal. She never got a sense of what life was really like. Does she deserve it? She asks herself that every night before closing her eyes. Did she deserve it? Did she deserve these punishments that made her suffer?
She felt the tears prick at her eyes but refused to let them out for fear that her mother would cause her more pain. Her mother never liked tears. She's taught herself not to let them out or express her emotions.

No more pain, please, no more pain. Thoughts consumed her head in a rush. She didn't even notice she was crying until she felt the warm tears coming down her face. She couldn't help but let the tears out.
How could anyone live like this?

"Are you crying?" More words came out of her mouth, still rough as ever.

Her mother reached her level and grabbed her face with her calloused hands. The girl let out a yelp, not expecting this movement. Her chest lifted up and down in fear of what this woman might do to her. The sobs are coming out of her mouth at a constant pace.
She looked up and did it. She finally did it. She looked into her mother's eyes. Fire spread in her eyes; the only thing she saw was black. There was nothing. How can there be nothing? No life, no color...

"The only thing I do is LOVE YOU." Her hot breath hit the girl's face.

Her voice cracked at the end of the sentence. The smell of cigars and alcohol hit her face. Tears were falling profoundly from her eyes.

"I'm-im Sorry, Mom, please stop" The girl pleaded.

She was still holding on to the hope that this was a dream. Maybe it was. Well, she very much hoped it was. Just holding on to the chance that her mom would let go. It would indeed cause a bruise.

"DO NOT call me mom; the last thing I am is your mother. You are a disgrace." Her mother spat.

The words hurt, yet she didn't even know what they meant. They hurt. For some reason, she made them hurt.

"You're lucky I let you breathe in my house. So do what I tell you to. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

There was so much yelling. Why so much yelling? TO loud it's too loud.
Was the girl wrong? Did she do something wrong? Maybe she did deserve this. This pain that caused tears to fall down her face. Did she? She just wanted food, that's it? Was that too much to ask in her mother's eyes?

"Do you understand?" This time, the woman said it softer, still rough but softer.

She looked up at her mother, the Side of her face still in pain. Burning it was a feeling no one could get rid of.

"Y-yes.." she wondered why her mother hated her so much.

Maybe she noticed that the girl took her books sometimes or that some crackers were missing. She learned that if her stomach made noises, she needed to eat. And now her mother was gripping her face, looking into her eyes with such hate.

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