2/Catastrophe and Confusion

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I did it! I'm posting this on Friday, but here I am. I hope you guys enjoy it!
No trigger warning, please. If you need to read them, there is the description. Thank you!


"Woosh!" The slam of the door slapped me in the face. I've experienced much worse, but that was my home, the only place I have ever known. And I just got kicked out like nothing. And I never thought about how much that would hurt til now. I squinted my eyes slowly, stopping the bright sun from blinding me again.
The summer breeze hit my pale legs at a quick pace. I took a second to look down at the hot floor just to notice I had no shoes or socks on. Shit, I guess I was so mad I didn't even take a second to put any shoes on. Looking back up at the door, I felt a burning sensation in my feet, and it started getting really hot.

"Shit," I said with a sharp tone. This floor is burning hot. I started hopping around, looking for some closure. Finally, I stepped on the green grass on my mother's lawn, oh thank god, some relief. I turned back to look at the house. What if Mother saw me stomping on her grass like a crazy person? Surely, she would be mad. I think she would kill me.

As I felt better, I started to think about what the hell I was going to do. I have nothing on me, only some clothes and my notebook. I mean, shit, I didn't even put a pair of shoes on. I have nowhere to go and no idea what the outside world is like. But all I knew was I needed to get out of there quickly before Mother returned and showed me something far worse than a hot floor. I slowly walked off the green grass, the little sharp plants tickling my feet. This is so new to me, so strange. I never thought this would happen to me, but for some reason, it's great. For once in my life, I haven't felt trapped. I feel free to do whatever I want. I feel the summer breeze and the colorful plants and houses outside mine.
I looked behind me, still not believing what happened, and looked at the shaggy old house I'd lived in for the past 18 years. It was small and busted up. The white of the house simply just disappeared and lost all of its color. Some plants are growing all over it, too, and of course, the door my mother just slammed in my face. It was creepy, looking like a haunted house. The whole house gave off the vibe like I was in a haunted house anyway. I honestly convinced myself if I had spent one more second in that house, I would have gone insane. Because now that I'm out here, out of that cage, I feel like a free bird, and no one is stopping me now.

My feet hit the hot concrete again, burning, but I found that it was not as bad if I kept walking. I passed the broken-up piket white fence in my mother's yard. And started walking; where you may ask? I have not a clue in the world. But I couldn't stay on my mother's porch for the rest of my life, and honestly, I wanted to explore and experience this new environment that I'm in. Step after step, I walked and walked and walked.

I quickly started sweating and walking without water in the summer heat. Who knew waking up could be so much work? I've never been somewhere so hot; I've only lived in the freezing cold because my mother loved the cold; it explains why she never really left the house this time of year.
It hit me a few seconds ago that I also need to rest soon, but I have nowhere to go. I had to find something quick before it got dark, and let's not talk about my stomach growling every five minutes. But I'm really trying to conserve my food right now because I have no money to buy anything, and I have no clue how to get any, so I'm out of luck there. I shake my head and hope for the best as I walk more.
As I walk more, the sun starts heading to sleep, and worry fills my body. It is getting dark, and I have nowhere to stay for the night. The burning concrete is not so hot anymore, but that doesn't help that I'm also terrified of what's to come. I have to constantly look behind me to ensure no one is following me; if someone was following me, I think I would faint before I even started to panic. At these times, I curse my mother for doing this to me, and I curse her for everything bad that's happened to me. I cursed at her for doing this to my life and ruining the incredible opportunity I could have had. As these thoughts fill my head, I start to feel pure hatred for that woman. I swear I will get my revenge if it's the last thing I do, and I won't make it painless. After every bit of pain she inflicted on me mentally and physically for the last 18 years, I won't let that go. I won't ever let that go. These feelings consume my body bit by bit as I walk faster than I was two seconds ago. Why? Why would she do this to me? I have done nothing absolutely nothing wrong. The tears well up in my eyes faster than I can process. So I cry and cry and cry a little more. I felt better after it, so I let it happen.
I sigh as I continue to walk. My feet hurt, and my whole body hurts, and I don't know what to do to fix it. I am starting to lose hope bit by bit. Even the braid on my head is beginning to give up and trying to get out of the hold of the hair tie. I forced my head to look up, even though my neck was killing me in the process of doing so, and then I saw it. In the darkness of the night, I see something.

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