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SO im Like 3 weeks late on this update but here it is so sorry
No TW but they are in the description enjoy.!


I wonder why I walked out of the room with this man I'd known about an hour, but I don't question it. I did follow my gut, and I did walk out with him. It is like he has a magnetic pull on me, like the father he walks the closer I want to get to him. Even after the little stunt pulled in there with Nick, don't get me wrong, it terrified me. But I don't want him to leave me. He's the only person that has been sort of nice to me. Yeah, I know the cashier was nice, but I've never felt like this about someone, and I won't lose it as easily.

As we walked through the crowds of people dancing, talking, or doing God knows what, we finally got to the door where I got in. With every step I take, my feet get heavier. Memories of the man have entered my head, and fear strikes my body as we get to the door. In my mind, that man is still outside that door, and he's there to get his revenge. As we finally get to the door, I freeze in fear. Cain continues walking on, not sparing Nick a glance. I still sit in the bar, not moving a muscle. Cain looks back at me, confused as to why I'm not moving. His eyebrows scrunch. He would never understand what I'm feeling right now. My whole body goes stiff, and Nick gives me a confused look.

"What's wrong?" His voice calms me a little, but the memories of that man still sit in my mind, not wanting to leave. Cain walks closer to me, trying to figure out what's happening to me. Worry fills his eyes as he examines my face. I wonder if the man is still out there waiting for me to leave. Sure, I feel a little better than Cain is going with me, but I don't know what that man is even capable of.

Cain reaches his arm to touch mine, and I melt into his touch by a second. Every time he touches me, he sends sparks across my spine that comfort me and calm me down. God, I hate that he can do that to me. Even though I'm still terrified to go outside, I push myself to go because of Cain.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He says with a stern voice, trying to figure out what's wrong with me. I wouldn't dare tell him, I don't fully trust Cain, especially after what he did back there. But I do trust him in some way more than I've ever trusted a man. Who knows, maybe he works with that man. For all I know, he could murder me right now. I look into Cains's eyes, and my face flushes for the millionth time today. I shake my head, putting a little smile on my face, acting like nothing was wrong. I'm pretty sure Cain wouldn't kill me. Or at least not now, not in front of everyone.

"Are you sure?" He asks, "Yea i-im fine lets go." I try to make it as convincing as possible, but I know I'm horrible at lying, so it didn't work. I could see in his eyes that he knew I was lying, but he didn't want to push me, so he accepted my answer with no problems.

"Okay." He smiled a little, his big hands lay across my back, and he slowly encouraged me to walk out of the room. As we walked out, I swear Nick gave Cain the direst look I've ever seen. But then again, I haven't seen much. Cain replied with a huge smile on his face. I don't understand how Cain was so cocky he's going get himself killed doing this stuff.

As we walk out, the cold breeze hits my pale legs, making me shiver. My head jolted around, scanning the outside, ensuring no man was around us. The only man I see is the one next to me, and all the fear I have melted away in seconds. Cain takes his hand away from my back slowly. I missed his touch in a matter of seconds, and I can't seem to stop thinking about it. He digs in his back pocket as we walk, looking for something. My body started to shiver; shorts and a white T-shirt were not ideal for the weather. He finally finds what he's looking for and pulls it out of his jeans pocket. It was a pack of cigarettes, the same one mother used to have. If there was one thing I hated, it was cigarettes. Mother used to smoke them all the time, and they stink. I don't understand the need to inhale smoke 24/7 ew. I shake my head slowly, trying to get these thoughts out of my head. Cain looks over to me as he pulls one of the white sticks, lights it, and brings it to his mouth, puffing the smelly smoke into his mouth. Memories of my mother yelling at me to get her more cigarettes out of her drawer when I was little. I dared to take one out of the box and bring it to my room once. I wanted to see what was so good about them anyway. But my six-year-old self didn't know you needed to light them before you smoked them. So I sat there for a whole 10 minutes trying to get something out of the little white stick to no avail. I gave up throwing it out and never touched a cigarette again unless my mother asked me to get them for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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